NVIDIA RTX integration

Looking for an integration for the new RTX tech? Is there a new plugin available to access the SDK for this tech? Would be interesting to see how to incorporate it considering how the new Battlefield V has been utilising it in their promos.

UE4 will have integration with DirectX DXR in version 4.22, that’s as far as they have announced so far.

Hey will this require Windows 10? Im using Windows 8.1 and dont really want to upgrade.

Yes it will. Blame Microsoft.

It’s a DirectX 12 feature so you need Windows 10, you should’ve upgraded when it was free, though you still might be able to.

Of course, it will require Windows 10 LOL, I didn’t think anyone was still using Windows 8 :eek:

If you own a license of windows, you can upgrade at any time. If your windows is a part of a computer package deal (i.e. you bought a computer with windows preinstalled), you may be out of luck. At least that is my experience with it. I sat around for a while before trying to upgrade, my tower (which I built, and purchased a windows license for) installed w10 no problem, but my laptop never let me upgrade. So I uninstalled windows from my laptop and reinstalled it with my license (same one running on the tower) and that let me upgrade. I no longer own the same laptop and have since replaced it (in the Fall of 2016) because I needed better hardware for college, but I reused my license again for that system.