NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

The short answer is yes, GameWorks features will be supporting DXC and/or CPU implementations for wider compatibility. However, it may take some time to fully release those other implementations, so at least at first, the WaveWorks implementation available on Github/Unreal is based on CUDA.

Ty guys, wonderful news, now we only need hairworks and that’s about it :smiley:

We’ve taken a good look at it, but unfortunately HairWorks will be more effort and take longer than some of the other modules, because of difficulty getting what we need out of the UE4 renderer. It seems that the transparency and aliasing problems are not so easily resolved in UE4. We’re working on it, and we are open to all help and suggestions.

Hey ,

I would recommend getting in touch with on the forums, he wanted to implment Hairworks but never got a response beck from Nvidia, so he implemented TressFX instead, you can that :

Hairworks is what he wanted to try at first but wasn’t invited into the ‘beta’… He is one of those coding ninja’s and has a lot of impressive work. I highly recommend getting into contact with him, he is running into performance issues with TressFx. I am sure he would be thrilled to implement HairWorks.

Just wanted to point him out as he has done a lot of engine integrations in other fields as well. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the tip, I’ll look into it. It’s completely lame that we missed that opportunity the first time. Won’t happen again.

I submitted the missing libs to the Github branch ‘WaveWorks’. It seems that the .gitignore assumes all libs are big, and refuses to check in libs without a -f on the add command. Should be good to go now.

So, I’m kind of lost now… Exactly what works of Nvidia Gameworks will be integrated? Or planned to be integrated officially? Any word on VXGI?

VXGI is coming in January.

Cool, it’s integrated on 4.7? Or it’ll be part of some sort of update for previous versions?

Right. I think that by the end of January, we have a good shot at getting a first pass of VXGI, Turf and FleX integrated into UE4 and up onto Github. We’re working hard at it, but the schedule may change if we encounter unexpected obstacles.

No not in 4.7, it will be integrated into the GitHub build version that linked earlier, there is no news yet whether will be integrated into the engine released by Epic.

Currently available for WaveWorks:

you’re the most kickass dude in the forums… Any someone can specify which version is that build? Since some code I’m using is not backwards nor foward compatible. I’m sticking to 4.6.1

The GitHub build linked above is version 4.6.1 as well :slight_smile:

For broadest compatibility I plan to keep the NvPhysX branch up to date with the latest release, but not necessarily with the latest pre-release (like 4.7).

that a nice news, i will wait for that for consider add to my game.

Is a FlameWorks integration planned as well?

By the end of month they will integrate VXGI, Turf and FleX. (yay) :slight_smile:

Not sure about Flameworks.

We plan to integrate FlameWorks too, but I don’t have a target date for that yet.

Thanks for the info !

I went crazy when I read … You are absolutely out there in NVIDIA, implementing all in one month.

However again the question comes to my mind, will it be cross-platform with a huge performance boost on NVIDIA gpu’s, or NVIDIA-only?