NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

Besides that, there’s always the that someone official will read and thinks that enforcing unified code block change markers throughout all branches is a good idea and will enforce that in the future, which would benefit all of us. :wink:

Well, you could make such PRs for the NvPhysX branches I guess, no idea if they accept stuff like that. They did accept some of my PR but last one (that fixes FleX standalone builds on 4.19) has been just sitting there with no attention given by nvidia.

Well, I could try, but from my experience working with some ‘Big Players’ in my former professional software developer years, I’ve learned that they mostly function differently in many regards, so there’s little use to it. There’s also always some form of politics involved, and meanwhile I try to stay as far away from that factor as possible. :wink:

Instead I’ll do my best to make the integration and my adoption of it as streamlined and starter friendly as possible. That frees both sides from nasty and time consuming bickering. :smiley:

I’m curious if anyone knows if theres a roadmap for Blast integration being released in the standard releases or if it ever will be?

Hi, thanks everyone for the excellent work in thread with the gameworks integrations. I’ve been making a yacht simulation with waveworks. 's a video of my progress so far.
Now I’m trying to use Flex for adding physics to the sails and rigging. So far I’ve had nothing but headaches with Flex. It seems like large fabric meshes always shrink and break. Does anyone have any suggestions or experience on how to make large fabric objects such as sails using flex? When I try to make longer ropes, the size doesn’t change until gameplay starts, not when it’s changed in blueprint, or the rope actor is added to the level. Also the flex meshes seem to inconsistently respect the “Attach to Rigids” box. Not sure if I’m doing something wrong.

I’m using UE4 build https://github/windystrife/UnrealEngine_NVIDIAGameWorks I would like to try waveworks 4.19 in the nvidia repo, however I couldn’t get it to build, even after following the odd waveworks specific build instructions. Has anyone been able to build the waveworks 4.19 repo?

Any folks want to help integrate the Acoustic Ray Tracing stuff (from 4.15.1 ) for the updated version of the engines?

You probably mean /tree/VRWorks-Audio-4.15.1

I looked at it briefly but part made me not look into further: Compatible with: “**** and Pascal based GPUs. (GeForce GTX 900 series and higher, Quadro M5000 and higher)”. So yes, it’s + tech that doesn’t run on AMD at all nor on any older Nvidias.

I finally got time to merge @kostenickj’s HairWorks changes, thank you for making :). It took me a while to clean it up and only include the relevant parts but they are:

https://github//UnrealEngi…4.20-GameWorks (Blast, FleX, Flow, HairWorks, HBAO+, TXAA, Volumetric Lighting)

I also put HairWorks on separate branch:

my other 4.20 branches are:
https://github//UnrealEngi…e/4.20-Physics (Blast + fixed timestepped physics)
https://github//UnrealEngine/tree/4.20-VL (Nvidia’s Volumetric Lighting)

All these branches are updated to latest 4.20.3 as well.

You sir, are a beast. Keep it up, and thanks for all of your hard work <3 <3 <3

:slight_smile: Sorry of my branch was a little messy!

No worries, I’m bit pedantic on some of the things so it probably took bit longer due to that :smiley: thanks again!

Exactly what I’m looking for <3! Just wanted to know the reason why you didn’t have VXGI included or it’s just your preference? Have a nice day!

Main reason is that it requires a lot of manual work (my time is limited so I have to choose my battles). I did check it initially and didn’t feel like doing all that work to make it run, I did get HBAO+ from that same VXGI branch tho. In addition, VGXI2 is not a priority for me as it’s + only tech so it can’t really be used practically in real projects, more like for proof of concept things or isolated demos. VXGI 1 could technically be run on AMD hw and older Nvidias (even when it didn’t run that good on them) so that was more appealing tech in by opinion.

Jumping into thread after watching a lot of reviews from Youtubers regarding RTX cards over the last few weeks, i find it extremely irritating to see all “gameworks” bashing among reviewers.
I’m really grateful that we have access to such amazing tech with Unreal Engine.

Also pushed preliminary 4.21 version of my physics branch:
https://github//UnrealEngi…s/4.21-Physics (unreleased 4.21 with fixed timestepped physics and Nvidia Blast)

Everything else seems to work but Blast has weird crash on machinegun mode, I couldn’t yet figure out what caused it but it seems to be originated from UE4 side. They’ve changed a lot of the physics stuff so there could be some issues left from the changes.

I do warn that 4.21 isn’t anywhere ready yet and I will also overwrite branch when the 4.21.0-release goes live, it’s now there only for testing purposes.


4.20 hairworks crash every time when we load demo project in few bluprint human or etc and edit hairworks

Did you try on https://github/kostenickj/Unreal…tree/420Mod2HW ? Kostenickj’s version contained some changes I didn’t include so that could be related.

Can you give repro scenario where the hairworks demo project would crash?

yes you make in hairworks any tweak setting like density or lantgh every time hang but single work ok

I have been using HW on my branch extensively lately with no crash, so it may be related to something you didn’t include?

yes it working but in gameworks have problem open demo project and insert all hair bp in editer or any tweak