NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

Will work VXGİ 2.0 Kepler cards

Is there a way I can set it to per face for chunk collision or more directly edit the convex hulls for the chunks for Blast? They are blocking doorways and such on models where that is applicable.

Does anyone know where in the source code the lines are for setting the collision for chunks and the mesh for the blast stuff?

Is there any way to get the flex shader compiler running instead of the default ue4 one?

Flex is a particle simulation system… It won’t replace the shader compiler. Unless I have been missing something over the last couple years :eek:

Flex 1.2 with UE 4.19.2 is out now: https://github/NvPhysX/UnrealEng…ee/FleX-4.19.2

Added Flex into my 4.19.2 GameWorks merge : https://github//UnrealEngi…4.19-GameWorks

Merged repo now contains all the latest changes from NvPhysx for all techs I’ve included on the merge, so there’s Blast 1.1.3, Flex 1.2, Flow 1.0.1, HairWorks 1.4, HBAO+ 4.0, TXAA 3, Volumetric Lighting (1.0?) and VXGI 2.0.1

It took me a while to get Flex to work on packaged builds due to IWYU issues but I did get it running eventually. Fixes of course included on the merge. I’d really hope Nvidia would do non-unity builds for all these branches (at least once now that UE4’s headers have changed a lot since the initial integrations) as it would get rid of these ghostly failures that only happen on some build settings.

Worth noting that I had to do one hacky fix for the Flex : https://github//UnrealEngi…8fc10e42496cb4 Basically that #if wasn’t in scope as it couldn’t find the WITH_FLEX definition. If someone knows a proper way to make it work , please tell.

is an with /tree/FleX-4.19.2 as well.

I also made a PR for the FleX fixes : /pull/523 in case it will help others

Rock on - thanks for your work. Excited to check out Flex again, but also annoyed as I have another distraction from my main project. Shame on you! I kid, I kid. Keep up the great stuff, and thanks for sharing. :smiley:

  • I built Flex into your previous combined build myself because I wanted the practice, and I didn’t come across that - it just worked. Got no idea why though.

You mean the thing I did a hacky fix for in 4.19? (Fix is there so that it will force flex into the build) I think it might have been a new addition to Flex on 4.19 but regardless if you just let VS bypass that one section, most of the integration would still work. It would just remove some additional editor tooling I think (I tried on the new flex branch too and it does it there too, it compiles but I think it leaves small parts behind by default).

One thing worth noting is that I didn’t immediately spot plastic deformation for new FleX in the editor. It’s a new feat on 1.2 so it’s possible they just didn’t have time to expose it for UE4 integration yet (or I simply missed something myself).

Hello , I download UE4 Source code from : https://github/lukaszPJATK/UnrealEngine .
I add PS4 SDK to the Source code, run Setup.bat 、GenerateProjectFiles.bat and Build it in Visual Studio 2017. It all works fine.
Then I Launch the HairWorks_Project to Playstation4 on ProjectLauncher. My cooked platform is PS4, cooked style is by the book.
The problem is when it is cooking, it report some errors.
is the .log file.

[USER=“801062”]Wild Profiler[/USER] these are not supposed to work on PS4, majority of the GameWorks techs in these repos work only on Windows, you need to contact Nvidia for console version licensing. Other than that, you really can’t discuss about PS4 development in the open either due to the NDA you’ve signed.

Thank you !

Hi everybody, I have started a series of video tutorials on how to get started with Nvidia Flex, within Unreal Engine 4. I plan to release them over the coming weeks. Watch them :


Any comments are welcome, both and on my youtube channel.

Pretty new . Is Flex and Flow different things? Or has Flow been combined into Flex?

Sorry for that.

flex is capable of simulating fluids, clothing, solids, ropes, and more. flow is for fire/smoke/fog type stuff

Im pretty new to VXGI. I made a project with VXGI in 4.19.2, now I’m done I want to package the project, however I get the following error:

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)):   ERROR: Could not find definition for module 'Launch' (referenced via Stekeldijkje_Woon.Target.cs)
PackagingResults: Error: Could not find definition for module 'Launch' (referenced via Stekeldijkje_Woon.Target.cs)

Am I missing something when I try to package project? Any tips are welcome.