NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

Hello, I tried to get the 360 degree high-resolution screenshots from VXGI with Ansel plug-ins, but I found that the combination of VXGI and Ansel1 is problematic.

The problem appears in the GI part of VXGI. When I use a 360 degree interception of the default 4K resolution, GI is completely normal, but when I use 8K or even higher resolution to intercept a Ansel 360 degree screenshot, GI becomes almost invisible, and it can be observed that GI can affect only a small block.

is not a problem of voxel size. No matter how large the voxel range is, they are always unable to present normal in the 360 degree screenshot above the 4K, and even the high resolution screenshots of the Ansel do not work properly.

He is like Figure 1 and Figure 2 below, 1 is the 360 screenshot of 4K, and its GI is normal. 2 is the 360 screenshot of 8K, and its GI completely disappeared. But their voxels are very remote, and I find that there is no problem with voxel LPV.

hi why you not merge flex??

WindyStrife isnā€™t maintaining that branch, LukaszPJWSTK is. And Flex isnā€™t merged because Nvidia hasnā€™t released a 4.19 version yet, as has been stated previously when others asked the same question. Should be soon, hopefully!

Vxgi 2.0 on min maxwel ?? Kepler doesnt work ? Maybe gtx 650 ti

Is it possible to get b;ast, Flex, Flow and hair build. i have no need for Waveworks, HBOA ect. or can someone tell me how i can make my own port. Sctually i wish i could just use these plugins with the launcher binary of UE4 unless its really possible a heads up would be great too. would really appreciate it thanks, BTW you guys are great,

Itā€™s not really possible with the launcher version. You need to compile it, no way around that. Making your own build is quite the undertaking, especially if you havenā€™t compiled the engine from source before. Being able to find the subject of compiling these custom builds and merging in the different features, would be a great first step in the skills required for sort of stuff (hint: itā€™s been covered, tips are scattered around and other threads, and Google exists).

There are builds already that have all the GameWorks offerings except Flex (and why Flex isnā€™t merged in yet has been covered several times now), so you can easily get one of those builds and just not use the other features. Itā€™d be akin to getting a launcher version of the engine. There are over 100 plugins and features by default. I rarely open a project from another person/team where they take the time to disable what they donā€™t use (which baffles my mind, hehe).

Itā€™s a lot of work doing these merged builds, and maintaining them. Rolling out custom builds based on requests every time a random person asks (enabling or disabling that) is asking a bit much if you ask me. Learn to do it yourself, or be content with the understanding that you might have to wait, or take what the good peeps make available! Or, Iā€™m sure someone would be happy to do it for a programmers hourly wages or donations :wink:

Hello, just recently needed to work with flex inside ue4, and as such do not have much knowledge of the program itself.  Whenever I attempt to build the most recent built 4.17.1, I get these errors, and after googling around I cannot find another case of these errors occurring for anyone else.  If it helps diagnose, I just finished fixing the combaseapi.h error that required me to state IUnknown.  Thank you for any help!


Severity    Code    Description    Project    File    Line    Suppression State
Error    MSB3075    The command "..\..\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat UE4Editor Win64 Development -waitmutex" exited with code 5. Please verify that you have sufficient rights to run  command.    UE4    C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\VC\VCTargets\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets    44    
Warning    C4996    'FCollisionQueryParams::FCollisionQueryParams': FCollisionQueryParams, to avoid ambiguity, please use other constructor and explicitly provide an FName parameter (not just a string literal) as the first parameter Please update your code to the new API before upgrading to the next release, otherwise your project will no longer compile.    UE4    C:\Users\ianriley\Desktop\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\PhysicsEngine\FlexComponent.cpp    653    
Error    C2665    'GetTypeHash': none of the 14 overloads could convert all the argument types    UE4    C:\Users\ianriley\Desktop\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers\Set.h    64    
Error    C3861    'GetDebugDebugName': identifier not found    UE4    C:\Users\ianriley\Desktop\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\PhysicsEngine\BodyInstance.cpp    1276    
Error    C3861    'GetSimulatingAndBlendWeight': identifier not found    UE4    C:\Users\ianriley\Desktop\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\PhysicsEngine\BodyInstance.cpp    1282    
Warning    C4311    'type cast': pointer truncation from 'const void *' to 'unsigned long'    UE4    C:\Users\ianriley\Desktop\UE4\Engine\Source\ThirdParty\HarfBuzz\harfbuzz-1.2.4\src\hb-private.hh    715    
Error    C4302    'type cast': truncation from 'const void *' to 'unsigned long'    UE4    C:\Users\ianriley\Desktop\UE4\Engine\Source\ThirdParty\HarfBuzz\harfbuzz-1.2.4\src\hb-private.hh    715    
Error    C2903    'GetPropertyValue': symbol is neither a class template nor a function template    UE4    C:\Users\ianriley\Desktop\UE4\Engine\Source\ThirdParty\FBX\2016.1.1\include\fbxsdk\core\fbxproperty.h    1215    
Error    C2903    'GetPropertyValue': symbol is neither a class template nor a function template    UE4    C:\Users\ianriley\Desktop\UE4\Engine\Source\ThirdParty\FBX\2016.1.1\include\fbxsdk\core\fbxproperty.h    1215    
Error    C2903    'GetPropertyValue': symbol is neither a class template nor a function template    UE4    C:\Users\ianriley\Desktop\UE4\Engine\Source\ThirdParty\FBX\2016.1.1\include\fbxsdk\core\fbxproperty.h    1215    
Warning    C4287    '<': unsigned/negative constant mismatch    UE4    C:\Users\ianriley\Desktop\UE4\Engine\Source\Editor\DetailCustomizations\Private\BodyInstanceCustomization.cpp    1105    
Error    C2903    'GetViewDescriptorAllocator': symbol is neither a class template nor a function template    UE4    c:\users\ianriley\desktop\ue4\engine\source\runtime\d3d12rhi\private\D3D12View.h    716    
Error    C2760    syntax error: unexpected token ')', expected 'expression'    UE4    c:\users\ianriley\desktop\ue4\engine\source\runtime\d3d12rhi\private\D3D12View.h    716    
Error    C2903    'GetViewDescriptorAllocator': symbol is neither a class template nor a function template    UE4    c:\users\ianriley\desktop\ue4\engine\source\runtime\d3d12rhi\private\D3D12View.h    725    
Error    C2760    syntax error: unexpected token ')', expected 'expression'    UE4    c:\users\ianriley\desktop\ue4\engine\source\runtime\d3d12rhi\private\D3D12View.h    725    
Error    C2903    'GetViewDescriptorAllocator': symbol is neither a class template nor a function template    UE4    c:\users\ianriley\desktop\ue4\engine\source\runtime\d3d12rhi\private\D3D12View.h    716    
Error    C2760    syntax error: unexpected token ')', expected 'expression'    UE4    c:\users\ianriley\desktop\ue4\engine\source\runtime\d3d12rhi\private\D3D12View.h    716    
Error    C2903    'GetViewDescriptorAllocator': symbol is neither a class template nor a function template    UE4    c:\users\ianriley\desktop\ue4\engine\source\runtime\d3d12rhi\private\D3D12View.h    725    
Error    C2760    syntax error: unexpected token ')', expected 'expression'    UE4    c:\users\ianriley\desktop\ue4\engine\source\runtime\d3d12rhi\private\D3D12View.h    725    
Error    C2903    'GetPropertyValue': symbol is neither a class template nor a function template    UE4    C:\Users\ianriley\Desktop\UE4\Engine\Source\ThirdParty\FBX\2016.1.1\include\fbxsdk\core\fbxproperty.h    1215    
Error    C2903    'GetPropertyValue': symbol is neither a class template nor a function template    UE4    C:\Users\ianriley\Desktop\UE4\Engine\Source\ThirdParty\FBX\2016.1.1\include\fbxsdk\core\fbxproperty.h    1215    
Error        Failed to produce item: C:\Users\ianriley\Desktop\UE4\Engine\Intermediate\Build\Win64\UE4Editor\Development\UE4Editor-Engine.lib    UE4    C:\Users\ianriley\Desktop\UE4\Engine\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\ERROR    1    


@wargamearmathethird if it helps anything, I have few merged GameWork tech UE 4.18.3 repos that has flex too, they should build fine as is (as long as you have your dev environment setup correctly).
for 4.18.3, Blast, Flex and Flow
https://github//UnrealEngine/tree/4.18-GameWorks for Blast, Flex, Flow, HBAO+ 3, Volumetric Lighting and VXGI 1

So can someone point me as to where i can learn on how to merge my own. I just dont want added plugins that arent going to be used, where all i really need is Blast, Flow, Hair and possibly Flex. My main with wanting it for launxher builds is because ive had problems with building projects in custom build where as for launcher builds all works great. Other than that i would like to get my own build done if you can point me to the right direction because google sends me to random threads that tells me nothing. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and thank you guys for the quick responce.

You arenā€™t going to be able to use Flow, Hair or Flex with the launcher version. Blast can be used as a plugin, but I think (someone correct me if Iā€™m wrong) even that needs some source code modifications. These things require modified versions of the engine. means either rolling your own and incorporating Nvidiaā€™s changes, directly using their specific branches, or using the versions from the likes of above, where someone else has taken the time to merge the various bits of GameWorks together.

How to do has been covered in topic, but it really is down to programming knowledge in general. Diffā€™ing files and merging in those changes, linking to external libraries and including headers and suchā€¦ If youā€™ve never even whipped up a C++ ā€œhello worldā€ and set up a stable development environment, is quite the task to take on when just starting out. Not saying donā€™t do it- just saying be prepared to pull your hair out.

's fork/branch has the most up-to-date versions of anything Iā€™ve come across, and compiles without (at least, last I tried!). If youā€™ve ever compile the engine from source, itā€™s pretty much the same process. More thorough instructions are actually over at the Github repos. So again, your options are to either use one of these lovely pre-made versions and not use what you donā€™t want, or roll your own and not incorporate the things you donā€™t need. Flex isnā€™t available for 4.19 yet (as of writing), but as pointed out, he has a 4.18.3 version with that included.

Documentation is your friend. If you were searching for how to compile Unreal Engine, surely you would have seen near or the top of your search results: .unrealengine/en-us/ā€¦ngUnrealEngine

Also, beastly thread (as of writing, 308 pages) is full of knowledge related to various aspects of GameWorks! It might take some time, but itā€™s totally worth it to dedicate some time pouring over it with a magnifying glass. Itā€™s how Iā€™ve solved many of my own issues, matter-of-factly. With that said, youā€™ll see several questions from me in thread as well, haha. As far as making custom builds of the engine that ditches some of the stuff you might not want, Iā€™ve found it to be more of a headache than itā€™s worth. For plugins, I just disable what I donā€™t use. For other features of the engine, I just donā€™t use them. Performance has never suffered, and I have no problem packaging and shipping projects that weigh in at 50mb all said and done.

Iā€™m using a modified version of one of 's builds, with the addition of other changes to the engine source, and dozens of external plugins. Iā€™m not having any issues, but that comes with time and getting to know what works and what doesnā€™t. You just have to experiment, piece by piece, until you land on something that is stable. Then slowly build from there. Itā€™s no fun sitting on the other side of the fence, seeing the big kids get to play with the big toys, but if you a project you are working on is having too many issues with custom builds of the engine, you might have to look the other way, heh. Tinker with madness on the side as an experiment, and stick to stability for serious projects- itā€™s the safe route!

Thanks again and you guys are of great help and thankyou for pointing out the obviuos, i just thought it would be more in the lines of copy and pasting a few things, im just not looking to get into a big project as im trying to finish one im in, and time just isnt on my side. As for hair pulling, too late for that i have none so none to pull. :slight_smile: i originally wanted a launcher like plug because of all the updates that are being pushed and ease of use but hey, itā€™s not like i cant do without, it would have been helpful though. Hey you mentioned Blast could be used as a plugin right? I mean i can just compile that in the launcher build as if i were to rebuild the plugin right. because that plugin im really interested in as its way better than Apex standard plug. As for hair and the others not a Priority in my opinion. Oh And yes i have a little know how with c++. Not my first time. Anyway thank you very much Mate. Now i am really interested in the Blast plugin.


What do you mean by having my dev environment set up correctly?


Hi guys,
Do you guys know how to get Waveworks Direct Computing?
I tried to contact Nvidia at email: [EMAIL=ā€œvisualfx-licensing@nvidiaā€]visualfx-licensing@nvidia
But they never respond.

@wargamearmathethird I meant mainly having c++ build tools installed for your VS, for example can you build the default unmodified ue4 from source? Also make sure you follow all the steps, like run setup before generating the project files.

Blast still requires minor engine changes even on 4.19 version. Itā€™s not far off from being plugin only but itā€™s not there yet.

Iā€™d also expect Epic to include Blast soon(ish) as Apex Destruction is deprecated already. So they need to move to Blast eventually (unless they roll up their own custom destruction thing, which isnā€™t likely at all). Nvidias Blast integration is pretty good already but itā€™s not happening for 4.20 at least (also, thereā€™s no official word upcoming Blast integration at all, so it might never happen, is purely my own speculation!).


Thank you so much, your build succeeded. 

Also, another smaller thing that I could use help with, is there any way to build the flex demo into  build of ue? 

I realize  is probably a dumb question, but a quick yes or no could prevent me going down a rabbit hold and trying to make it work.

@wargamearmathethird check the NvSamples folder, on 4.18 I moved every sample there for easier access, original flex samples should be there as well (my 4.19 branches still have those examples scattered around)


Really sorry to bother you again, but inside the NV projects folder I can only find a flex project file, not the original demo that flex shipped with.  Is that demo located somewhere else in the folder?

I'm probably not being clear right now, sorry for my lack of description abilities.   is a screenshot of the demo I was wondering if ue4 could build.  Thank you so much for all the help so far!