NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

I know that GTX960 and lower graphics cards do not have features. Is that wrong?

We need to look at GTX 970, 980, 980ti, 1060, 1070, 1080, 1080ti

Every GPU I listed is based on either or Pascal architecture. I donā€™t know if VXGI feats require second generation (in which case for example GTX 750 wouldnā€™t get fully utilized for ).

But like mentioned already, thatā€™s irrelevant as those gpuā€™s wouldnā€™t be fast enough for purpose anyway.

Thanks for info.

Is anyone else getting warning in their logs?

[2018.04.30-03.29.40:595][640]LogConsoleManager: Warning: Performance warning: Console object named 'r.HBAO.GBufferNormals' shows many (500) FindConsoleObject() calls (consider caching e.g. using static)
[2018.04.30-03.29.40:595][640]LogConsoleManager: Warning: Performance warning: Console object named 'r.HBAO.VisualizeAO' shows many (500) FindConsoleObject() calls (consider caching e.g. using static)

On another note, backlogged is driving me mad: https://issues.unrealengine/issue/UE-33798

I was just trying an experiment with Blast objects, trying to get 2 to swing into each other. Low and behold, the same is present with Blast objects: physics constraint actors and them donā€™t get along. Anyone know a workaround/trick?

@Gomo I added Volumetric Lighting on https://github//UnrealEngiā€¦9-GameWorks-VL , I had some issues with it so I didnā€™t want to put it on the other Gameworks branch. So if anyone wants to try it out, that repo has UE 4.19.1, Blast, Flow, HairWorks 1.4, HBAO+4, TXAA3, Volumetric Lighting and VXGI2.

I have to warn tho that I had some issues on fixing the profiler macros due to the unitybuild issues on volumetric lighting branch. Profiling works now but itā€™s a workaround and I had to leave some unused stuff as I didnā€™t have time to spend day or two fixing all the headers properly.

Additionally, I couldnā€™t get the vl sample to package on shipping conf and while development build packaged, it wouldnā€™t run on my win10 computer, reporting level 10.0 being required (which my GTX970 does have). Packaged build did run on my win7 and gtx670 computer tho. Also, worked just fine on win10 while using Unreal Editor, I mainly had issues on the packaged builds (could be some change Iā€™ve missed). I donā€™t have time to investigate further but I wanted to make the repo public in case some people want to try it out. Just be aware there might be issues with it.

Edit-> Apparently the Iā€™m seeing on my Win10 machine could be a driver bug with latest Nvidia Drivers (397.31).

As a side note, I do hope Nvidia fixes the non-unity building and properly use IWYU for gameworks tech integrations in the future, there are lots of things missing in the headers that can just randomly break the builds like happened on the volumetric lighting on my end. Iā€™ve previously fixed most of the non-unity build issues on other gameworks techs but VL is probably trickiest of them all, considering it seems to rely on unity build including all kinds of things across it.

More info about IWYU and non-unity builds: ://kantandev/articles/ue4-inā€¦e-what-you-use

@ - Thanks for sharing that, and working on it! Hopefully Nvidia cats do indeed work on IWYU/non-unity.

I found a solution to my previous with Blast objects and physics constraints: I made the Blast object a child of a dummy mesh, with collisions changed a bit. Itā€™s hacky, but with some tinkering it can work in a pinch.

I just noticed another, though. Blast chunks donā€™t get added to motion blur. Iā€™m hoping there is something simple Iā€™m missing, but Iā€™ve tinkered quite a bit and have yet to find a solution.

@ - ! Iā€™ll try it today!

I have a question about Hair Works 1.4,Wich is the features of it and why Nvidia have Fur Viewer version 1.2.1 yet?

@. is your hairworks okay? i mean. Hairs are not showing in rendered video. But in viewport i can see them allright.

What do you mean by ā€˜in rendered videoā€™ ?

The branch iā€™m sharing on github are focused on stability and their ability to package games.
Again, i wonā€™t include TXAA which didnā€™t improve significantly over Unreal AA in my tests, and i most likely wonā€™t include NV Volumetric light as it hasnā€™t been officially updated since 4.17 and it took me extra work to have it work and package properly in 4.18 alongside other Gameworks solutions.
Unreal Engine volumetric solution is already amazing for my needs on my current project (there werenā€™t any volumetric light in Unreal Engine back when Nvidia integrated its volumetric light solution)

legend :slight_smile: will try it out soon as i get home

Fixed the crash, but it still doesnā€™t work in forward shading mode. VXGI requires deferred shading.

Fixed. Also fixed a similar that happened on other types of lights when they have distance field shadows enabled.

Fixed, it doesnā€™t crash anymore. The latest version will be forced into occlusion-only mode on Kepler.

Verified that VXGI builds without errors in non-unity mode. Posted a note about request in an internal chat with other UE4 people at NV.

Fixed, now TXAA 3 runs in forward shading mode too.


wow thanks! very noob question. i have to completely re-compile everytime branch is updated right? i just cant download it and re-write files in my already build folder? ( sorry if it sound too stupid but im not very into that programming and compiling stuff, i just love playing with VXGI :stuck_out_tongue: )

You can clone the git repository, switch to the right branch, and do a ā€œpullā€ every time you need to update. Thatā€™s quick and only refreshes the modified files. Then you need to build it.
Iā€™m sure you can find some instructions online on how to do all that.

@ - Nicely done! You cats are killinā€™ it :smiley:

Thanks for those fast updates @ VXGI-2.0 is an incredible upgrade over the previous version.

Someone asked me some help for it: is a video about Installing Luoshuangā€™s GPULightmass (need Nvidia + GPU) on top of the 4.19 Gameworks build:


Thank you for your effort. I have just noticed that fps drops again when VXGI enabled in Post Process but not in Directional Light so there is no visual change again because the only way to use VXGI is enabling in both of them (directional light and post process volume). I wanted to share, it might help.

@ Thank you for the branch:https://github//UnrealEngiā€¦9-GameWorks-VL work very well:D

Impressive list of updates indeed, thank you. Especially happy to see TXAA support on forward.

I think HBAO+ used to crash or just not work on forward either but itā€™s bit harder to solve if you want to keep using HBAO+ on top of everything (it was like that on old integration at least) as it will not give correct results in forward for obvious reasons. We fixed in past by doing it like instead on 4.15: https://github//UnrealEngiā€¦996372c2464436, change also makes AO to only happen in shadowed parts which may or may not be the preferred way ( is how unreals SSAO does it as well - but it doesnā€™t work in forward either).

Thatā€™s not really a bug. When you enable VXGI in general, the engine will do all the relevant passes, like voxelization and cone tracing, and thatā€™s what creates the perf drop. It just so happens that you donā€™t have any lights or emissive objects enabled to actually contribute indirect illumination. Itā€™s possible to track case by looking through all the lights and all the meshes ahead of time, but I think itā€™s a corner case, and itā€™s not worth doing that analysis all the time, as usually it wonā€™t make a difference.

Also, now that 4.19.2 has been officially released, Iā€™ve updated the VXGI and TXAA branches to be based on engine version.