NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

will plugins from the marketplace work with ?

if it is compatible with 4.18, you need to recomplie it, sure work :smiley:

Thanks, thanks, thanks and thousands thanks !! :slight_smile:

!!. Great work, WindyStrife

You are great !!

How do I do that?

Copy plugins to Your Project/Plugins,generate file project and click on solution and

rebuild it :smiley:

Hello. Iā€™m rebuilding it in visual studio 2017. I get a lot of errors and the build fails. I appreciate the work youā€™ve done uniting all these options and Iā€™d like to use . Iā€™m looking for a little clarification on what settings to use when building. An image is attached.

Please feel free to tell me where Iā€™m going wrong. I really like that youā€™ve set all up, and I want to make it work :slight_smile:

is WindyStrife, thanks for all your hard work! I might try exploring Flex now in 4.18ā€¦

Btw, any luck looking into my problem ? https://forums.unrealengine/community/general-discussion/24447-nvidia-gameworks-integration?p=1438351#post1438351

i can only check it on next week

Has anyone encountered when building NVIDIA Flex 4.16 with Visual Studio 2017?

Iā€™ve tried everything - reinstalling, running VS as administrator, Development Editor - x64 build, but I canā€™t seem to successfully build the UE editor from NVIDIA Flex.

Would appreciate any help :slight_smile: Thank you!

maybe try to set all files to writeable (disable read only) - I have to do it each time.

Hey Guys, anyone can help me, i got error when i do a right click in content folder. The editor crashes and exit.

hi everyone
i ask a questions.
I downloaded source from https://github/MaximeDup/UnrealEā€¦17.X-GameWorks.
I successed compiling source, then made a c++ project.
When i execute project at editor, i met error.

< error > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ensure condition failed: PSOPrimitiveType == PT_Num || (EPrimitiveType)PrimitiveType == PSOPrimitiveType [File:F:\UnrealEngine-4.17.X-GameWorks\Engine\Source\Runtime\Windows\D3D11RHI\Private\D3D11Commands.cpp] [Line: 1289]
PSO was created using PrimitiveType 0, but the Draw call is using 16! will break , Metal and
UE4Editor.exe has triggered a breakpoint.

When i execute at original version, it execute successfully.

I donā€™t know whatā€™s wrong. help me pleaseā€¦

I donā€™t meet error, what version of windows do you use

@Professor_Timelord: you need go to page and add your github account. you will receive a email to access source code:D

maybe you can try one instead it :smiley:

Thank you for your answerā€¦ i tried but i met same errorā€¦

@WindyStrife thanks alot for your buildā€¦its huge but works PERFECTLY!! used visual studio 2017 to compile and made all files NOT READ ONLY as per @Gomo 's advice

i donā€™t meet error, do you use datasmith, or what version of windows do you use

Thanks :smiley: may be i will work new merge build (Flex, Flow, VXGI, Blast, HairWorks, Volumetric Light, WaveWorks) when 4.19 offical release :smiley:

@WindyStrife that would be so !! btw do you know how to install datasmith into your custom build??