NVIDIA GameWorks Integration

I generated a completely new 4.9.1 build. But I get the same error as the last time. UE4 is missing the UE4Game binary. What could cause problem? Is there anyone else who has the same problems with packaging projects like me?

is the output log:

inFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Project.Cook: ********** COOK COMMAND COMPLETED **********
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Project.CopyBuildToStagingDirectory: ********** STAGE COMMAND STARTED **********
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): BuildCommand.Execute: ERROR: BUILD FAILED
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Program.Main: ERROR: AutomationTool terminated with exception:
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Program.Main: ERROR: Exception in AutomationScripts.Automation: Stage Failed. Missing receipt ‘UE4Game-Win64-Shipping.target.xml’. Check that target has been built.
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Stacktrace: bei Project.CreateDeploymentContext(ProjectParams Params, Boolean InDedicatedServer, Boolean DoCleanStage) in e:\Unreal_4_9_1VXGI\Engine\Source\Programs\AutomationTool\Scripts\CopyBuildToStagingDirectory.Automation.cs:Zeile 1572.
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): bei Project.CopyBuildToStagingDirectory(ProjectParams Params) in e:\Unreal_4_9_1VXGI\Engine\Source\Programs\AutomationTool\Scripts\CopyBuildToStagingDirectory.Automation.cs:Zeile 1628.
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): bei BuildCookRun.DoBuildCookRun(ProjectParams Params) in e:\Unreal_4_9_1VXGI\Engine\Source\Programs\AutomationTool\Scripts\BuildCookRun.Automation.cs:Zeile 211.
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): bei BuildCommand.Execute()
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): bei AutomationTool.Automation.Execute(List1 CommandsToExecute, CaselessDictionary1 Commands)
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): bei AutomationTool.Automation.Process(String] CommandLine)
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): bei AutomationTool.Program.MainProc(Object Param) in e:
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Unreal_4_9_1VXGI\Engine\Source\Programs\AutomationTool\Program.cs:Zeile 134.
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): bei AutomationTool.InternalUtils.RunSingleInstance(Action`1 Main, Object Param)
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): bei AutomationTool.Program.Main() in e:\Unreal_4_9_1VXGI\Engine\Source\Programs\AutomationTool\Program.cs:Zeile 53.
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): ProcessManager.KillAll: Trying to kill 0 spawned processes.
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Program.Main: AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=Error_MissingExecutable
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): Domain_ProcessExit
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): AutomationToolLauncher exiting with ExitCode=103
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): copying UAT log files…
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): RunUAT.bat ERROR: AutomationTool was unable to run successfully.
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): BUILD FAILED
PackagingResults:Error: Error Missing UE4Game binary.You may have to build the UE4 project with your IDE. Alternatively, build using UnrealBuildTool with the commandline:UE4Game <Platform> <Configuration>

Question my friend:
I saw the build errors had and your suggestion to use your branch( I’m having the same issues, but when I go to fork it, github doesn’t seem to do anything (it just shows me the Nvidia branch) Suggestions?
P.S Git confuses me, so you might have to take it ‘slow’ with me XP

Build in Development Configuration as well. Then try repackage.

I am using Windows 10 Pro x64. Could be the problem? I will make today another try with the Development Configuration. It would be fantatastic if helps. :slight_smile:

Okay donated you right now :slight_smile: again your are the when it comes for merging branches :slight_smile:

I started a new test with Development Configuration. (32+64 Bit) The error is the same. :frowning:

That should work, thats my normal setup, Development Editor Build, followed by Development build (So game packaging will work for BP only games). Then launch and package. Should not give out any errors relating to UE4Game.exe. Look in your directories, do you have a UE4Game.exe, if not, then you haven’t compiled a Development build.

@: I wanted to be sure that my projects are not faulty. For reason I created a completely new project with version 4.91 (+Starter Content). I enabled VXGI and HBAO+. Nothing more. Then I started the package process. I get the same error as the last times. (UE4 game binary is missing) Unfortunately seems to be a bug in the current build. :frowning: Perhaps an incompatibility with Windows 10?

As I said, it shouldn’t be, I am running Windows 10 x64. And I am also using 4.9.1 with my merged branch and I have no issues packaging. It may be an with NVIDIA’s branch, but I do not see why mine would not be affected by the same thing. Looking through my commit history, there is one possible commit that may be why its working for me, but that would actually result in a compile error during the Development configuration.

Can you please check if you have a UE4Game.exe in the Binaries/Win64 directory. If you do not, then maybe it did actually fail to compile the Development configuration. If so, I can suggest a fix.

I have checked . You are right. There is no UE4Game.exe in my Binaries/Win64…But why?! I compiled the build two times. (wthout any old data) And I get no compiling errors. I don´t understand .

try :
Build the “Development Editor Win64”
Build the “DebugGame Win64”
Rename the “UE4Game-Win64-DebugGame.target.xml” in Engine/Build/Receipts to “UE4Game-Win64-Development.target.xml”

@ Thank you very much for information! :slight_smile: I will try . I thought that I have understood the whole build process. But I was wrong. :frowning:

NP :slight_smile: is there a way to save the command r.hbao.enable 1? because if i restart my editor its always r.hbao.enable 0

Unfortunately, I have still a question of understanding: Can I find the “Development Editor Win64” and the other files in the Visual Studio Solution Explorer? (in ´s build)

building project worked for me

@ Sorry, at the moment I am unsure what to do. As I understood I select “Development Editor Win64” from the dropdown menu. After that I click on UE4 in the Solution Explorer and select “Build Solution”, right? All the same I should do with “DebugGame Win64”…The last thing which has to be done is then the file renaming…

yep exactly what you said :slight_smile: choose developement editor win64 and then build ue4 and then next step the same with debugGame win64 or if that debuggame fails, try to use DebugGame editor
and than last step : Rename the “UE4Game-Win64-DebugGame.target.xml” in Engine/Build/Receipts to “UE4Game-Win64-Development.target.xml”

@ Thank you very much! :slight_smile:

@ One last question… :wink: When I start from scratch the first thing I have to do is to compile the Engine as described in the tutorials which were published , right? After that I build the “Development Editor win64” and the “debug editor win64”?
At the moment I get compiling errors in Visual Studio. For reason it is the best to start from scratch again.

is there a way to make hairworks work with morph targets?
so that for example a beard moves correct when the mouth is opend by morph targets.
it seems to work just for bones =(