Nvidia Flex Project

Hi, I try install nvidia flex in UE 4.12 witch visual studio 2015 for 4 weeks with no success, every time i have same problem, i follow steps to run setup.bat and generateprojectfiles, but when i build in VS i have multiples errors, mostly in ShaderCompileWorker… i post a screenshot, hope us help me, and forgive me for my bad english :stuck_out_tongue: ! thxx

Hey, I had a similar problem, seems like Visual Studio 2015 update 3 broke the UE4 build. Its fixed in 4.12.5 but not in the NVIDIA branch. A fix that worked for me was to go into the file:


And replace lines 29 and 30 with the following:

Same answer as a git commit (you need to be logged in to Github to see it):

Found it here:

Thank you so muchhhh bro!!! hahaha solved my problemss