Nvidia Flex in Unreal Engine 4?

Hello All,

First of all I must mention that I’m not a programmer, I’m just learning UE4 and try to focus and learning on the cinematic use of UE4 especially with the current 4.12 Preview version and it’s sequencer.

I’m aware that I can bake a full FBX animated character (or just the animations for the character) and use it’s animations on UE4, but after I saw how powerful is Nvidia Flex when it comes to Cloth and other amazing features, I would LOVE to try setup a cloth on one of my characters animated (FBX File).

So… since I’m not a programmer, I don’t know how to use GitHub, build or compile a version or anything like that (sorry for the confusion).
Is there a plugin or addon I can add in a more “User-Friendly” way inside the latest version of UE 4.12 Preview? so I can start mess around with Flex inside Unreal Engine?

I hope you can help me out here, I believe that FLEX will be a great improvement in cloth and other things not only for me but for many other users.

Thanks ahead, and sorry about my bad English.

No currently. I would suggest learning the basics of UE4 for now without Flex or grabbing the GitHub build and playing around with it.

You can learn about GitHub & UE e.g. from here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usjlNHPn-jo&t=0s

… But I agree, some step-by-step tutorial on how to integrate & set up all this NVIDIA tech would be awesome :slight_smile: