Nvidia codeworks for Android - "The manifest file is broken"

While trying to go through the Android setup process and installing “CodeWorks for Android 1R4”, I get the following error - “The manifest file is broken” while the NVIDIA CodeWorks for Android Component Manager is open. I am using a Dell Precision M4800 laptop with Windows 7 64bit.

I navigated to the manifest.json file located in “C:\NVIDIA\CodeWorksforAndroid” and here is the content of the json file (it looks incomplete)…

{ “manifest”: { “name”:“AndroidWorks”, “tadp”: [ { “name”:“AndroidWorks”, “version”: “1R1”, “url”: “http://developer.download.nvidia.com/devzone/devcenter/mobile/naw100/002/json/naw-windows-devzone.json”, “installerMin”: “1R1” }, { “name”:“AndroidWorks”, “version”: “1R2”, “url”: “http://developer.download.nvidia.com/devzone/devcenter/mobile/naw100/003/json/naw-windows-devzone.json”, "install{ “manifest”: { “name”:“AndroidWorks”, “tadp”: [ { “name”:“AndroidWorks”, “version”: “1R1”, “url”: “http://developer.download.nvidia.com/devzone/devcenter/mobile/naw100/002/json/naw-windows-devzone.json”, “installerMin”: “1R1” }, { “name”:“AndroidWorks”, “version”: “1R2”, “url”: “http://developer.download.nvidia.com/devzone/devcenter/mobile/naw100/003/json/naw-windows-devzone.json”, "install{ “manifest”: { “name”:“AndroidWorks”, “tadp”: [ { “name”:“AndroidWorks”, “version”: “1R1”, “url”: “http://developer.download.nvidia.com/devzone/devcenter/mobile/naw100/002/json/naw-windows-devzone.json”, “installerMin”: “1R1” }, { “name”:“AndroidWorks”, “version”: “1R2”, “url”: “http://developer.download.nvidia.com/devzone/devcenter/mobile/naw100/003/json/naw-windows-devzone.json”, "install

Has anyone else ran into this issue? Is there a manifest json file somewhere that I can copy and use? Or is there so other type of solution?


Hey RedToast9000,

You need to use CodeWorks for Android instead of 1R4. That should fix the issue you’re running in to.

Looking forward to hearing back from you, thanks!

Issue Resolved
I figured it out. There was some environment variables set on my laptop to use a certain proxy, which was blocking the network request. I only figured this out after running a wireshark scan while attempting the CodeWorks_for_Android install.

I made a copy of the environment variables, removed the environment variables that were associated with the proxy, ran the CodeWorks_for_Android install, restarted the laptop, and then added the environment variables back.

Hi RedToast, as you’ve figured it out - I’ve marked this comment as an answer and marked it at the correct answer. In the future, if you figure out an issue, please mark the answer as an answer to the question as this helps future people with future issues.


What environment variable were causing the problem and where were they located at?

Hello ,

thanks for the solution.

From where I can download the “CodeWorks for Android 1R4u2” file?

Kind Regards.

For anyone who is having this issue, I managed to fix the issue by closing programs I had running in the background. I closed several programs, so I don’t know which one(s) fixed the issue for me, but among other programs, I ended up closing perforce, hamachi, and team viewer.

Hey i know it is kind of very late but I am running into the same issue can you elobrate on how you fixed it