Numpad and mouse 4/5 not bindable on linux

It’s not possible to bind numpad’s key or mouse buttons 4/5 (back and forward) in linux.

This happens both with the editor and the unreal tournament standalone binary.

Hey Overload-

The numpad keys did not work for me as you reported but I was able to use the left and right mouse buttons. I have submitted UE-20558 to investigate this further.


Could you check if fixes that? Unfortunately that commit is not in official 4.9 release, but you can try it either in the main (master) branch or my fork of 4.9:

Yes, left and right button works of course, I was referring to the back/forward buttons (tho ones on the thumb)

With 4.9 i can now use they numpad keys but still not the thumb mouse buttons.

I tested the fork, numpad now works, mouse thumb buttons apparently still don’t.

What keycodes do those get reported as by SDL?

LinuxApplication.cpp is currently wrongly assuming that those buttons are SDL_BUTTON_X1 and SDL_BUTTON_X2, while (at least on my system) they are 8 and 9 (there is no #define for them, they are just ints)

So sounds like X11 mouse button numbering incorrect · Issue #1421 · libsdl-org/SDL · GitHub ?

Try X11: Fixed high mouse buttons mappings and horizontal wheels (thanks,… · libsdl-org/SDL@e58a5c4 · GitHub - I believe we don’t have that in our version.

Yes, adding that patch fix this.