In my project i have created a toolbelt wich allow player to use item by pressing number key, but the gameplay debug tool seem to override thoses keys. I have tried all solutions on this link, but no one has solved my problem. I got this problem on first and third person blank project on viewport, standalone and cooked game with unreal engine 4.11.
Are you using the function keys (F1, F2, F3 etc…)? if not, are the debugs views tied to the number keys? Are you seeing the pins being executed during run time? Is Input enabled in said BP?
Pins seem to not be executed, and like i have said, i have tested all solution on the link from my firt post, so yes input is enable and all other keys works.
I have a workaround that may be viable depending on your needs. If nothing else it should get you started in the correct direction. I warn you, it’s not pretty.
In this example I use the AnyKey event to read off what buttons are being pressed. From there I take the last character in the text (which in the number) and I use this to call a switch on int. From there I can have it call whatever events are needed to happen when the button in pressed. I hope that this helps.
Not a solution since those are the side Numkeys, not the standard number keys above the letters, that’s the blocked keys and i can’t find any references of those inside any option.
Maybe i found a solution, the action have a “Consume” option in the left panel deselecting it makes them work, because i had two actions in the character and hud blueprint using the same key, the widget consumed the key and wasn’t usable anymore, deselecting in both bp the option makes the number keys work again.