Nulls w/ SOCKET_ prefix do not import from Cinema 4D

I can’t seem to get nulls (or any object) with the SOCKET_ prefix to export from Cinema 4D and into UE4 via. the FBX workflow seen here: FBX Static Mesh Pipeline | Unreal Engine Documentation

I’ve tried a null, polygon, inside the object, parented to it, etc. nothing seems to work. I know it works with Maya, Max and Blender, but has anyone had success doing this with Cinema 4D? Since UCX_ collision prefixes work I’m hoping there is a way to do these too. Thanks! :smiley:

Should also mention I’m using UE4.11 and Cinema 4D R17.

Hey ryinmo,

Can you send me an fbx file with nulls exported from Cinema 4D? I’d like to bring it into maya and see what it shows up as.


Yep no problem, attached the files I used to test, it’s a cube with a null inside named SOCKET_Cube. I did a 2010 and 2014 *.fbx export in C4D R16-17, the reason for 2010 is for whatever reason it’s the version that brings over textures from C4D right now. :stuck_out_tongue: From what I can tell the null makes it to the *.fbx, but not to text

Hey ryinmo,

Can you import the attached fbx into Cinema4D and tell me what type of object “SOCKET_Cube2” appears as? That is a “locator” in Maya that imports correctly into UE4.


Hey ,

Thanks for your help on this. When I import this into Cinema4D it imports “SOCKET_Cube2” as a null. I tested importing the Maya .fbx into UE4 just incase, it worked and imported both sockets. I then exported the fromMaya.fbx as .fbx 2014 from Cinema4D again and the nulls don’t import into UE4 anymore, I also noticed the *.fbx loses file size when saved from C4D, it’s possible C4D may not be saving the information in a way that’s accessible or something. Let me know any thoughts you have on this, I’m in contact w/ Maxon and can pass on a bug report, hopefully all these tests will help. :smiley:

I noticed that my fbx from Maya imported both sockets just fine. This leads me to believe it’s something to do with the exporter in C4D. I’d definitely report this to Maxon. If it helps, Socket_Cube appears as an Empty Group in Maya after importing one of your FBX’s. I didn’t modify that at all when I exported my fromMaya file for it to work though.

I’m going to have to mark this as resolved for the moment until you hear from Maxon about a possible fix. Please update here with what you discussed with them.

Thanks , I’ll let you know what I hear back.

Just incase anyone else runs into this, I did the same test as you but with Blender instead of Maya and that works too. So you can download Blender for free, import your *.fbx into it then export it back out to get sockets to come in correctly. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sad epic STILL has not fixed this issue in 3 years…

EDIT: Thank you and ryinmo. Per your suggestion I exported to blender and then to Unreal and it worked great.

EPIC, Please fix this error!