NPC won't go away

I have a blueprint for an NPC set up to perform a series of tasks and auto destroy when finished. Every part of the sequence works without a hitch, except for the auto destroy. I’ve used auto destroy just like this in other cases and it seems to work fine, not sure why it isn’t working here.

  • any latent tasks we should know about? Timers have been invalidated, delays done, timelines stopped?

  • can you clarify what needs destroying here? The BP we’re looking at or Jerry? The title read “NPC won’t go away” but we’re not attempting to destroy the NPC here, it seems. Did you mean to:

  • is there only 1 get actors of class to get, ever? Is it relevant here?

  • how do you know destroy is not being called?

I must admit this is probably the 2nd time I see the auto-destroy node mentioned.

I accidently marked it solved when it isn’t solved, I don’t know how to undo that. However, to answer you question, no there are no additional latent tasks, what you see is what you get. The blueprint that you see is for the NPC that needs to be destroyed, not the new NPC that’s being spawned.

What you’re showing is not enough to determine what is wrong. Perhaps check for components (if any) still doing something they shouldn’t.

I mean, you mention tasks. Perhaps double check if they do, indeed, complete. Other than that, we can only guess.

Debug it step by step.

Well, my print strings are showing that everything is happening.
Which is disconcerting because that means that the auto destroy is being set, but then not being executed. This is odd because I use the same feature here in a longer, more complicated string of events and there are no issue:

As soon as all of that completes, the auto destroy takes effect without a problem, but this smaller one is struggling.

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