NPC Character Definition assets become invalid when they shouldn't

If you use a custom verse behavior/class inside a NPC Character Definition asset, and your custom verse class for that behavior has a type “event” ANYWHERE within the class (including inside references to other classes) the NPC Character Definition will FAIL to validate!!!

Here is the error I get when trying to validate the asset:
Illegally references asset /Verse/_Verse/VNI/Verse. . (FortValidator_IllegalReferences) Illegally references asset /VerseDevices/_Verse/VNI/VerseDevices. . (FortValidator_IllegalReferences)

Here is an example of a custom verse class that would cause the NPC Character Definition to become invalid when using it:
invalid_npc_behavior<public> := class(npc_behavior){ BasicEvent : event() = event(){} }

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I have the same problem, all my NPCDef are now invalid. I don’t know if they intend it to be this way or it have become an issue. Hopefully got an answer from them soon.

The same problem persists when following the “Create your own NPC Medic” documentation as well.