I responded to your post. Hopefully it works!

It did! You’re a lifesaver! (and I was -dead!)

Just had quite a scare. My character anim BP became corrupted and prevented the project from opening and of course I didn’t have a backup. I was able to restore it fairly quickly by removing the file from my project so it would load although with errors, copying it to another project, which didn’t crash fortunately so I retargeted it, copy-pasted my nodes and fixed links that broke in under an hour. Still, imagine my feelings. Submission deadline is nearing, I am making great progress, I think this is my best game ever (I’m spending more time playing it than actually working on it), it is 6 am and I haven’t slept, and suddenly it looked like I could lose everything. The most funny thing that I was able to restore everything exactly as it was except one thing: my character’s hands are now shaking like crazy when his aim offset is active and it was just fine before.

haha I got hung up all weekend by a simple aspect of communication between blueprints, widgets and variables. I’m still new in that regard. When I send in my entry, it’ll most likely be very basic, but I’ll be sure to put something in.

Oh, a backup… better do that. Have been to focused…

Hey guys

Unfortunately, I won’t submit something this time around, because I got sick :(. I lost more than a day, which won’t be enough to make the game complete and enjoyable. I learned a lot again, which is always a benefit and I will participate again in the next game jam. From now on I will probably make personal game jams on each weekend to challenge myself and if I deem them fun and enjoyable (and mostly bugfree :D), I will release them for free for the community.

Have a nice day/night/whatever and have fun with all the creative submissions. I will now get my body some rest :).

PS: Have a nice streaming time with the submissions, :).

Well I decided to submit something for this Game Jam, my first one, I got some unexpected things to do, but well, I want submit something :slight_smile:
Packing right now, hope everything work fine.

Well unfortunately my new drivers are crashing when I edit my ue4jam project so that’s a shame. Just imagine I’ve published something really impressive :wink:

Coming soon: A Shot in the Dark
Steam-Enabled online multiplayer game where 4 players duke it out to capture lights in a dark 2D map.

! where r ya man?

Entertain Us!

usually you’re already online by now, hope everything’s alright bud

looking forward to stream :wink:

Will start streaming playthroughs of game jam entries in 10 min at

My monthly gamejam stream has been unfortunately delayed this month, will be starting at 12AM PST, or, 3 hours after the deadline.

Your alarm clock didn’t go off?! :stuck_out_tongue:

NecroThief and found an obvious bug with our project, and it was so bad I decided to fix it and reupload, even though it’s too late for judging. Our project was Sick Scamper by Boilerplate Studios, and it’s the side scroller with the girl collecting red bottles in an upward-scrolling level. In this version there’s no invulnerability period after taking a hit, which was causing the kill box at the bottom not to kill you (among other health issues). There are plenty of other things I’d like to fix, but this is a big one that only took a second, so if you’d like to play it, it’s the “BUGFIX” version in the same download location here. This is the version that I tested the most and balanced, and it’s much harder. It’s a little unclear in the game, but there is indeed a win condition - you need to fill your health.

Here’s the character model again so you know which game I’m talking about :smiley:


Here are links to the spreadsheets to both stream play throughs this month:




I’ve opened up the documents to let people comment, or make notes on their games. (I’ve also backed up the documents, hopefully I won’t need that though :))

I thought about posting these links on the submission thread, but thought I’d ask if that’d be okay first.

(if there is more than one stream next month, I will do one live and the rest after the fact.)

Thanks to NecroTheif and spreadsheet-guy. Necro did a great job filing in for during his three hour vacation.

Highlight of the jam is the play throughs of “Not the Best Game in the World”. If you do nothing else, watch 's play-through of it.

I too, wanted to do a lil’ bit of cleanup & put a few things in the HUD that I didn’t have time to do:
(I feel bad when posting a game that others might play that I feel lacking in some way, guilt trip. lol)

Link to Vicious:
Patch: 1.0000000000001 :wink:

small screen shot:

I’m not on the list yet?


That was great, game took him a bit by surprise. LOL.

thanks, we tried too make it as funny as possible, I watched playtrough it a few times its just too hilarious :smiley:
how much you think ““the asset”” will sell for on the marketplace? :stuck_out_tongue:
it starts at 5:23:30 for any1 that could use a good laugh :smiley:
first time using paper2D for both of us :slight_smile: