Hello everyone ,I’ve been having trouble with this problem for a few days now, what is the problem? I simply have a notify state in which I have a sphere trace for a melee weapon, the problem is that it is called only 5-8 times during the montage animation and this means that no hit is recorded in some cases, I also tried with a simple print string and it is always called 5-8 times, I also tried to create an event out of notify state , in the blueprint player with a set timer by event with a time of 0.01 and call it inside the notify state,nothing has changed, I tried to use normal notify start et end, nothing has changed, I thought the problem was the animations I use so I used the same one as the tutorial (Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial - Dealing Damage Part 1 - YouTube), nothing has changed, someone can tell me at least where I have to look plese