Notifies tab not there in anim BP

Animation editor has been updated. You just need to right click on the timeline to add a notify.

In the red box

I am trying to add notifies for footsteps in an animation blueprint but in many tutorials they have a bar to set the notifies on during the animation. I dont have one and i dont have the option to set it up in the windows tab.

That just opens the timeline options. What do i do there?

Sorry to be stupid, im new to game design, how do you set where the notify goes?

Not sure I understand the question but you just add it to the timeline and then you can access it in the animation blueprints Event Graph

Im not able to put a notify on the timeline. How did you do it? i added a notify on the left but if i right click on the time line there is no option to add a notify to the timeline.

Did you click in the red box that I showed before? That’s the only area you can click to add a notify. The area is right under the Notifies label.

OH that makes a lot more sense… Sorry for being a moron. Thanks so much!!