Why is there no documation on how to set up root motion for an A.I character. Root motion is one of the most important things you HAVE to set up if you want your game to look even a little bit profesional and not totally amature. I am gob smacked that on the millions of pages online that go over nearly every aspect of Unreal engine there is not one bit that covers creating root motion for an AI character. There are lots of pages where people are asking how you solve this problem but none on how to actually fix the problem. Unreals “guide” on root motion doesn’t explain how to set up the animBP, how to setup a behaviour tree. There is no way to set this up right now because there is no documation on it. I have been using UE4 for the last two years but this is without a doubt the most frustrating problem I have come across.
Every youtube video I found shows how to setup root motion for the player character.
Unreal please answer this question and tell me why out of the 700 plus youtube vids you have online not one deals with the problems of setting up root motion for an AI character. I will keep bumping this thread until you do answer because in case you couldn’t tell I am super ****** off about this.
Ok can you show me where in that document it shows how to set up the animation blue print for a character with root motion because the regular way doesn’t work. Show me where it shows what to put in the event graph in the animation blueprint? Point out the part where it shows you how to set up the controller for the AI the blackboard for the AI because the way you do it for inplace animation doesn’t work. You obviously didn’t read my post because I mention this about the link you just posted.
Absolutely laughable. Root motion is intended for very specific action types that wouldn’t be nicely handled by the movement component. The phenomena of people using it for their basic movements in UE4 is a result of them being too lazy to do the calculations necessary for setting up a proper blendspace that will play without foot sliding. You make post after post complaining people didn’t make your project for you. “They didn’t make my project for me and upload it for me to copy and paste from!” You keep asking people “How do I do this?” “Why won’t you tell me how to change it to be like that!?” Nowhere in this thread have you mentioned what you already tried to do to solve your problem. What have you experimented with so far? Did you try writing a new movement component? Did you try routing the AI input into a blendspace? Did you try anything at all?
When someone genuinely tries to help you here, all you do is insult them, act as though they didn’t read your post, then issue a series of complaints and commands as if you are entitled to them making your project for you.
If anyone wants to know why BlackRang666 was so rude its because he has a problem with me personally. I had the misfortune to buy one of his marketplace packs and experienced his customer service 1st hand. What some fail to realise is that when you deal with zombie animations that are not smooth and has slight moments where it stops then its impossible not to get foot sliding.
Also I’d strongly suggest you use this feature Blackrang if you don’t want to see my posts anymore. Please use it.
Root Motion is not unreal way. To make it work with something like AI you have to write few core systems from scratch (and even then it doesn’t really play well with rest of engine).
Every AAA developer will tell that you should NOT use root motion with Unreal.
Instead you should use system similiar to Paragon, For Honor or any other which will adjust animations to capsule at runtime.
Is it just Unreal that there is a problem or is it root motion in general? When you have motions where a character limps and pauses for micro seconds or sways when he walks then you can’t use regular animation setups. Is there a name for the system Paragon uses? When I do a search for adjust animations to capsule at runtime I can’t find anything.
None of these systems are integrated into engine. Paragon one is simplest one and it’s been supposed to be in engine at some point. Though nobody knows when (;.
He’s still right. There’s no documentation on this because it isn’t supposed to work this way. The AI locomotion stuff only works with in-place animations. Root motion means that the animation decides the movement of the character capsule which won’t work with normal AI character movement. It’s fine to use it for stuff like attack moves that need to move the capsule in a special way and it should work that way even with an AI character.
It is possible to use it for normal movement too if you override how the AI character moves (like in the answerhub thread you posted) but it’s not really worth it because you have to create that whole system by yourself.
If you want a professional game then start acting like a professional. We solve problems, we dont complain about someone else having not solved it for us.
You know when you reply to a thread I started I get a notification. What kind of muppet replies to a thread that is over a year old to give out. Get a life.