Nothing happens after cooking mod

Hi folks

After cooking each mod, i went to look at the ADK\ModTools\Output folder of each mod. Sadly in the WindowsNoEditor, there is only 1 zip file in there.

Anyone can advise what went wrong ? I got no error in cooking. All files are referenced properly. The testmap are linked to my PrimalGameDate and TestGamemode.

Why are you trying to find the files exactly? Cook them and upload the steam as hidden if you are just doing testing. Then subscribe and test them in single player.

thanks ENRELL for that file path, im having a similar problem, the dev kit isnt cooking the mod for some reason, and only the and files are appearing.

Dirten - being able to see what the dev kit has cooked without having to waste 10 mins uploading to steam, starting steam, downloading, starting game then finding nothing has cooked

What do you mean by “testmap”?

You are using your own map/level pointed to your PrimalGameData, *right?


Yes. The level bp was copied from generic mod, renamed and both PrimalGameData & TestGameMode linked in it.