NOTABIRD - Wreaths

NOTABIRD - Wreaths

This is my first experience with UE, a one-shot music video for Notabird band. It’s rendered with 5.0.3 and took me a month to build everything from scratch


Greetings @waveworm !

Welcome to the UE community! :medal_sports:

Being that this is your first experience with UE and that you’ve completed this music video in one shot, this is absolutely incredible! Your lighting is phenomenal. The nature-covered faces in the driftwood is something that I’ve never seen before and is quite imaginative.

As the solemnly beautiful song played, I imagined that the driftwood are all a part of the same family tree, and for their own reasons, they splintered off and took a different path. I also imagined that each piece of driftwood is a broken spirit from a larger tree, and they sing peacefully until they meet the end of their life force.

What a wonderfully fascinating music video!

How did the band reach you for a music video? Which assets did you build from scratch? How did you determine which angles to shoot? What language is the song in?

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Thx for kind words!
The song is in russian, the band is from Murmansk (it’s kinda almost Norway), so everything is a bit nordic-style.
Due to camera angles - it was total improvisation cause the base idea was to film it alive with copter, real lake and some tracking, but then I opened up UE and hey I can pull camera under water, change the season, make an ice out of google pic, etc