Not Yet Dialogue Plugin - possible to have multiple Dialogue Text boxes?

Hey, I have the Not Yet Dialogue Plugin, I kind of got the hang of it so far, getting it to run dialogue into a text box so far but I was wondering how would someone get 2 separate dialogue boxes on the same screen, I want to have narration (thoughts and the answers and what not) from the main character in a Dialogue Text box and also the options for answering the other 2D characters Dialogues in the same box ( I figured out how to do the option answering with buttons and the plugin and what not),

I just don’t know how to make it switch between boxes knowing that the main character is a different Dialogue Text box and all other characters are in a different but same Dialogue Text box for the rest of the them above the main character dialogue Text box.

Does anyone have or know any tutorial for this?

The Not Yet stuff is all good, I assume their docs are up to scratch also: