There is a log file of my “memreport -full” [Log File Here] [1]
So im having quite the issue with optimizing Dark Storm in Unreal Engine 4 ive tried soft references and other things but overall the usage of VRAM is very high for widgets/Blueprint prefabs referencing in tons of textures that arent needed for gameplay or in the world outliner.
Ive even resorted to separating some of the graphics into separate widgets and spawning them only when needed and it still fails to stop them from loading. Why does the engine load textures like in the example that arent even present? I’m in a blank level as detailed in the World Outliner and i have no default character set yet it still loads the UI Widgets and consume quite a bit of memory…
I do realize some of the widgets resolutions have odd numbers so we’ll be correcting that and making sure they are on power of 2’s. But right now im really confused on what i need to do to lower the amount of VRAM consumption and stop it from loading assets referenced in the gamestate and UI that arent even placed in the level or spawned.
Some of the textures that are referenced by widgets but make no sense why they are being loaded since the Widget is created on the BeginPlay of the character BP. Even then most of them are child widgets that arent created and spawned during gameplay like when a player is shot then removed from viewport right after a delay yet they are still loaded regardless if they are spawned or not!
I was experimenting with soft object references but i literally can’t find any documentation for it anywhere on the internet and my guessing with nodes to see if that solves the issue isnt working very well.
I have a trainstation system as an example that isnt even present in the level yet looking at the debug dump its loading textures from them.
I tested it in an empty level with the following settings:
With a default gamemode and such it shouldn’t even be loading the widgets and trainstation stuff in? Is this a bug in the engine?