As you can read in the replies, this is a VIsual Studio bug and not specific to UE4. Sorry for not testing this first.
So I’ve installed Visual Studio Community today and I’ve cloned the Github Promoted branch today.
I have not done any modifications whatsoever to the Engine code.
After executing the Setup.bat and the GenerateProjectFiles.bat files I tried to open the UE4.sln file as pointed out in the documentation/wiki.
This opens Visual Studio as expected but after 1-2 seconds the software crashes and it tries to either restart or simply shows an error message that it has been closed, see
The restart seems to be quite useless as when I click on UE4 it crashes again.
I’ve also reported this on Microsoft’s Visual Studio fedback platform but they can’t quite help me as the UE4 engine repo is private.
I’ve tried both with the Master and the Promoted branch. I have no other PC to test this with.
The 2 generated sln files (Can’t upload these to the answerhub)
Running Visual Studio Community 2013 Version 12.0.31101.00 Update 4 with all updates installed.
Video of the crash: