Not sure why my customized turret is not working

I need someone to take a look at this. I’m not sure why it does not let me power up the turret when I have the components listed inside, and the bullets. Should I execute the subsequent tasks after the branch as their own function?
Also, how do I delay it to only check every few seconds instead of every single tick?

With a Timer setted after your Delay on the Event Begin Play?

Create a “Set Timer”. Then, create a “custom event” named for example “OnTimerTick”. Then, put in “FunctionName” of “Set Timer” your function name (for example “OnTimerTick”).
Then, link your “OnTimerTick” event to your first “branch” and unlink it from “Event Tick”.

Set the delay into your “Set Timer”.

Then it should be ok, I think (I’m beginner in UE).

I’ll do that.