Not starting at player start location with large landscape

I have a large Terrain I imported from world machine, I re sized it to 250 x 250 instead of 100 x 100 and I placed a player start on it and then when i clicked play it started me in a spot off the map and i was frozen. What is going wrong?

Hey Chary Hawk-

It’s possible that part of the player start actor is colliding with the terrain. Try moving it up a bit to make sure it’s entirely above ground. Also, it would help to understand what’s happening to you if you could post a screenshot of where your player start is in the level as well as what you see when you try playing.


Ok I figured it out, it’s because the terrain was below the grid line.

Next to “play” theres a small triangle pointing downward, click on it and from the drop down menu click on
“Default player start”