Not receiving "Trader Verification" onboarding email


Not receiving “Trader Verification” onboarding email

What type of bug are you experiencing?


URL where the bug was encountered

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Begin the Publisher sign up flow
  2. Complete all steps up to the Trader Verification flow
  3. Complete the Trader Verification
  4. Land on a screen saying “Since the email you provided to Trolley differs from the email used for your Epic Games account, we’ve sent a verification code to {email}”.
  5. Wait forever and never receive any email. Attempt to " Resend Code" several times to no avail.

Expected Result

I should receive an email with the code

Observed Result

I do not receive any email. Nothing in spam, nowhere.



Operating System


Additional Notes

I have tested sending emails to the exact email listed that it says it will send it to and it does work for me, so it must be something on the Fab platform end.

I’m also not really able to try other emails or try anything to continue, since I’m stuck halfway through the onboarding flow. Ideally, email would be verified earlier in the process so that I could attempt to try other emails if something was wrong with a particular email address.