Not receiving sale invitations since May?

I am a developer selling my product on Unreal Marketplace for a couple of years or so.

In the past I was used to receive monthly sale invitations from the marketplace, and I could apply with my products.

But I have noticed that since May I haven’t received sale invitations anymore. Is it a common situation? Have anyone else received these invitations in June, July or August, or was it me personally?

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Sames happens here, since June Sale invitation I haven’t received sale invitations anymore, and I’m looking for the reason too.

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Hey @Eugene1sv1! Welcome to the Forums!

You can reach out to Unreal Engine Marketplace Support via the following link:

Thank you for your reply. It looks like I am not alone.
I see some discounted products on sale at the marketplace however, not sure how is this possible.
Or is it possible to set a special sale for my product by request?

Hello, Eugene1sv1! Sure, we can send an email to the marketplace team about a sale request and they help us with it. We must do it 2 weeks before the start of the sale. There are more details in the Marketplace Guidelines page and they usually respond fairly quick.

Same for me. Didn’t recieve any invitations for two months. Did you reach the UE team already?

Sorry for delay, forgot about this post.
Yes I have contacted them a while ago and and yes everyone can request schedule a sale for your particular product.