Not installed on c:/

The startup time for the program is extremely slow. Could this be because I installed on a drive different than the C:/ .

If so is there a way to fix this without reinstalling on C:/

Hi ,

This could be possible if the storage drive that Twinmotion is installed on is a slower drive compared to your C:/ drive. If that's the case, then re-installing on the faster drive would be the only way to improve speeds.

If you'd like some additional investigation into the slow startup times, please share a copy of your Twinmotion.log file (Where to find Twinmotion .log file), which would include additional information about what is happening during startup, in case there are any issues causing the longer startup time.



Twinmotion (3).log (136.2 KB)

Thanks for sharing the log.

Looking at the logs, it looks like there is one particular point where Twinmotion gets stuck for about 7 minutes during startup, which seems to be the cause of the issue.

One thing to check before proceeding is, if you have any antivirus software enabled, try disabling it when launching Twinmotion to see if this helps improive startup times. If it does, then try adding Twinmotion the the exceptiosn list of the antivirus program, which should prevent the antivirus from slowing down the program on subsequent launches.

If antivirus isn't the cause of the issue, then if you are able to reinstall Twinmotion on your C:/ drive, please do so to see if this helps, and let me know if the startup is faster, or if it is still slow.

If you can't reinstall on your C:/ drive, or if reinstalling didn't help, we'll need a dump file from Twinmotion when it gets stuck. To do this, try launching Twinmotion and during the startup process, open Task Manager and select the Details tab. Right-click the Twinmotion-Win64-Shipping.exe and select the create dump file option (do this after about 5 minutes of waiting for Twinmotion to start). Please upload that file here so we can investigate further.

Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.



Hi Lindsay, sorry for the delay.

The dump files you sent have helped the developers find a fix. The fix is currently in the process of being tested. If all goes well, this will be included in the next update (2023.1 Preview 2) currently scheduled for next week. If the testing is not complete by next week, then it will be delayed to the final 2023.1 release currently scheduled for next month.

I will try and track the status on that issue and provide an update, but our support volume is a little high right now, so I might not be able to get an answer out as quickly as I'd like. If you would like an update on this, please reply when our update releases next week and I will get an answer as soon as I can.



I moved to c: but no change.

also include UnrealCEFSusProcess.DMP

UnrealCEFSubProcess.DMP (325.7 MB)