"Not enough content" I didn't understand why

I recently sent a package for approval that included 20 static mesh models of 3D electrical and electronic objects including some very simple materials to use as an example, a low price “7 $” pack in the prop store, all objects have UV mapping, complex collision, slots for various materials, the quality of the models was good, medium poly relative to the size of the objects, and all had 64 light map resolution, I followed all the mandatory protocols in the manual to send the package. But every time I send it, it gets rejected, with an email saying it didn’t have enough content to send to the store. But I was wondering if it is related to the amount of content or relevance for acceptance, as I see packages with only 1 object in the store. Any idea? What am I doing wrong?

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I think you’re doing nothing wrong, I think it’s admirable the tedious work they make you do, I think it’s just Epic’s problem, they do their best to complicate your life with things that should be very simple, I recommend you to sell your products somewhere else or create a patreon. Epic’s submission system is really bad.

And I say bad because they don’t give you a specific detail of what the problem is, just the generic answer of Not Enough content.

I’ve been through this many times before and I got bored of retrying.