Not Defined Variable

hi guys.

Ive created a Config file where the program will getting the values for the variables, but when i “register” a variable in the config.h and config.cpp and including the config.h in the main.cpp , im getting error variable not defined. The same error is happening for every variable in my configs.


#pragma once

#include <string>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <windows.h>
class Config {
	static Config* Instance();
	void Reload();

	struct Server {
		void Load(Config *config);
		int serverport;
		std::wstring serveraddr;
	/*	time_t shutdownDuration; [example]
	bool globalShout; [example]
	std::vector<INT64> vitalityLevels; [example]
	INT32 fixedPCCafePoints; [example] */
	} *server;

	Config(const wchar_t *filename);
	std::wstring GetString(const wchar_t *section, const wchar_t *name, const wchar_t *defaultValue);
	INT64 GetInt(const wchar_t *section, const wchar_t *name, const INT64 defaultValue);
	bool GetBool(const wchar_t *section, const wchar_t *name, const bool defaultValue);
	double GetDouble(const wchar_t *section, const wchar_t *name, const double defaultValue);
	std::vector<INT64> GetIntList(const wchar_t *section, const wchar_t *name, const std::vector<INT64> &defaultValue);
	std::set<INT64> GetIntSet(const wchar_t *section, const wchar_t *name, const std::set<INT64> &defaultValue);

	std::wstring filename;
	static Config *instance;


#include "Config.h"
#include <windows.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>

Config *Config::instance = 0;

Config::Config(const wchar_t *filename) :
	server(new Server)

void Config::Reload()

void Config::Server::Load(Config *config)
	serverport = config->GetInt(L"server", L"ServerPort", 1111);
	serveraddr = config->GetString(L"server", L"ServerAddr", L"");

	/* [Examples]
	globalShout = config->GetBool(L"server", L"GlobalShout", false);
	vitalityLevels = config->GetIntList(L"server", L"VitalityLevels", std::vector<INT64>());

//should be changed
Config* Config::Instance()
	const static char *paths] = {
		0 };

	if (instance) {
		return instance;
	for (size_t i(0); paths*; ++i) {
		if (std::ifstream(paths*)) {	
			return instance;
		L"Can't find suitable config Config.ini.

		L"To use global config for all daemons, place it in top level directory 
		L"To use local configs for single daemons, place it to daemon directory (Cached, NPC, L2Server)", L"ERROR", 0);

std::wstring Config::GetString(const wchar_t *section, const wchar_t *name, const wchar_t *defaultValue)
	static wchar_t buffer[16384];
	GetPrivateProfileString(section, name, defaultValue, buffer, sizeof(buffer), filename.c_str());
	return std::wstring(buffer);

INT64 Config::GetInt(const wchar_t *section, const wchar_t *name, const INT64 defaultValue)
	INT64 ret;
	std::wstring s;
		std::wstringstream ss;
		ss << defaultValue;
		s = GetString(section, name, ss.str().c_str());
	std::wstringstream ss;
	ss << s;
	ss >> ret;
	if ( {
		ret = defaultValue;
	return ret;

bool Config::GetBool(const wchar_t *section, const wchar_t *name, const bool defaultValue)
	std::wstring s = GetString(section, name, L"");
	if (s == L"1" || s == L"true" || s == L"on" || s == L"yes") {
		return true;
	else if (s == L"0" || s == L"false" || s == L"off" || s == L"no") {
		return false;
	else {
		return defaultValue;

double Config::GetDouble(const wchar_t *section, const wchar_t *name, const double defaultValue)
	double ret;
	std::wstring s;
		std::wstringstream ss;
		ss << defaultValue;
		s = GetString(section, name, ss.str().c_str());
	std::wstringstream ss;
	ss << s;
	ss >> ret;
	if ( {
		ret = defaultValue;
	return ret;

std::vector<INT64> Config::GetIntList(const wchar_t *section, const wchar_t *name, const std::vector<INT64> &defaultValue)
	std::wstring s(GetString(section, name, L""));
	if (s.empty()) {
		return defaultValue;
	std::vector<INT64> result;
	if (s == L"-" || s == L"null") {
		return result;
	std::wstring part;
	for (size_t i(0); i < s.size(); ++i) {
		if (s* == L' ' || s* == L',' || s* == L';') {
			if (!part.empty()) {
				std::wstringstream ss;
				INT64 i;
				ss << part;
				ss >> i;
		else if (s* >= L'0' && s* <= L'9') {
	if (!part.empty()) {
		std::wstringstream ss;
		INT64 i;
		ss << part;
		ss >> i;
	return result;

std::set<INT64> Config::GetIntSet(const wchar_t *section, const wchar_t *name, const std::set<INT64> &defaultValue)
	std::wstring s(GetString(section, name, L""));
	if (s.empty()) {
		return defaultValue;
	std::set<INT64> result;
	if (s == L"-" || s == L"null") {
		return result;
	std::wstring part;
	for (size_t i(0); i < s.size(); ++i) {
		if (s* == L' ' || s* == L',' || s* == L';') {
			if (!part.empty()) {
				std::wstringstream ss;
				INT64 i;
				ss << part;
				ss >> i;
		else if (s* >= L'0' && s* <= L'9') {
	if (!part.empty()) {
		std::wstringstream ss;
		INT64 i;
		ss << part;
		ss >> i;
	return result;


#include "Server.h"
#include "database.h"
#include "ScriptLoader.h"
#include "Config.h"

int main()
	system("color 5a");
	std::cout << "Loading MySQL Database" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Loading Scripts" << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Server Has Started" << std::endl;
	Server MyServer(serverport); //Create server on port 1111
	for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) // Max Players Online (100)
		MyServer.ListenForNewConnection(); //Accept new connection (if someones trying to connect)
	return 0;


You might want to include which line that is happening at… without this being on an IDE, it’s hard to determine what you are talking about. Highlight the line if you can.

the error is here: Server MyServer(serverport); //Create server on port 1111
that the variable serverport is not defined, while i have it defined in Config.h

The only thing that is defined in the Config.h is a Struct, that contains a “serverport” variable. The variable alone is not there.
So you might want to access the struct/create a variable of that type :stuck_out_tongue:

sry im new to c++, how could i do this? :3