Not being able to create AI Pawn Controlling

Hi all,

I am new to UE5 so I beg some patience then although I have made some progress I am aware I might stand yet a bit behind in some concepts.

So my game is basically a space shoother in 3d with a camera behind the main pawn that shoots laser beams againt any moving object, among which I basically include asteroids and another spaceships.

I am trying to enable AI Controlling for the enemy spaceships. I have built the AI Controller, the Pawn blueprint (gaining control over it on being spawned), created the behavior tree and included some tasks. All seems correct. When debugging I am able to see the tasks in the behavior tree being executed, however the pawn is not moving at all.

I have seen this is a frequent issue.

The engine doesn’t throw any exception or error where to pull any tips from. So I am basically stuck, and don’t know how to continue.

My intuition and some other post reading, tells me that I need to create a navmeshbounds volume, but I think that only makes sense if I build a floor mesh where the pawns will move around on. But my pawn is in space and needs to be able to fly in 3d, so a floor doesn’t make much sense. However I believe the AI Engine will need that navmeshbounds volume to perform its calculations to set movement speed and other animation details. So I included I navmeshboundsvolume, but no floor at all, then I am in space. I could put a floor in there but then the enemy pawn would need to move on the X=0 plane, and would wish it to fly around.

And still no results. The enemy spaceship won’t move from 0,0,0.

Here I have prepared some images for you to have a sense of the game I am working on as a learning exercise.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Many thanks and sorry for the lengthy post. Hope I made myself clear.
