Not allowed to use 'config' with object variables?

I am trying to create config for my plugin. In this config I want to add a field, for choosing Datatable from Content Browser. To do it I use next code:

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, config, Category = "Items Database")
    UDataTable *Database;
But unfortunately I recieve next issue:
Not allowed to use 'config' with object variables

But there is a lot of examples with materials in plugin Paper2D or for instance default Map Chooser in Project Settings, which requires you to select item from Asset Browser. How can I fix this problem and implement my idea?

What you’re describing for selecting things from the UI is not what the Config markup does. Config is used for the initialization of things from ini files.

EditAnywhere should be enough to allow you to edit that field from within the Editor with whatever instance you have with that member variable.

Because they aren’t raw UObject*. They use FSoftObjectPath instead along with the AllowedClasses metadata to restrict which types of objects are allowed.

	UPROPERTY(config, EditAnywhere, Category=DefaultMaps, meta=(AllowedClasses="World"))
	FSoftObjectPath GameDefaultMap;

Yes, your solution solved my problem. I just used class DataTable instead of World in AllowedClasses. Thank you very much!