Not able to save foliage edits

im not able to save any of my foliage edits

The asset ‘/Game/ExternalActors/VehicleTemplate/Maps/VehicleAdvExampleMap/1/GE/BFJVXFBNA8WVY4TK40ZGM3’ (BFJVXFBNA8WVY4TK40ZGM3.uasset) failed to save.

Cancel: Stop saving all assets and return to the editor.
Retry: Attempt to save the asset again.
Continue: Skip saving this asset only.

Asset ‘…/…/…/…/…/…/Users/MyUser/Documents/Unreal Projects/MAIN/Content/ExternalActors/VehicleTemplate/Maps/VehicleAdvExampleMap/1/GE/BFJVXFBNA8WVY4TK40ZGM3.uasset’ cannot be saved as it has only been partially loaded

I’m aware that this happens if there is more than one instance of unreal engine running at the same time, but I’ve checked task manager and also restarted my pc several times and the issue still hasn’t been fixed

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