Not able to drive any car in UE5

I’m not able to move any car even the one which is inbuilt in UE5, when I press the play button it just stands still and doesn’t move with any key. Plz help this is really frustrating I’m new to UE also Simulate Physics is on

Hi @kumarchan

Have you loaded the default car level? Or just imported it?

If you have imported the car to your level, you eill need to set the enhanced input mapping context etc and also make sure you set the car as auto poseess player0 or as the default pawn.

I’ve loaded the default car level and Imported the same car again at new position the default sports car, but it isn’t working. Can you plz tell how do I set enhanced mapping and everything to make the default car drivable ?

The default level should be set up i believe , i will be at my desk in about 15 minutes i will load it up and see.

I have just used the default level and no changes and it works.

WASD keys so unless you have changed something there shouldnt be any issues. I do see you have dragged a car into the editor. that means you need to set it as Auto Possess Player0

Yes I used the keys WASD as well as arrow keys but I can’t see any Speedometer and gear numbers showing up after I’m pressing the play button once I’m able to see the meter and everything I think it will be drivable

have you tried removing the car you placed and just pressed play, it should spawn a driveable car

Hey, plz have a look, it isn’t moving @High500

Hi kumarchan,

Change it from “Simulate” to “Selected Viewport”:

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Thankyou it is working now, I was really struggling with it I’m new to UE. Thanks a ton

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hi i am having the same problem now. I have the level set to select viewpoint and i have watched a ton of videos on how to get in and out of my car and get it to drive but nothing is working. My car won’t move. Some times my unreal even crashes. Can Someone please help me.