Not able to adjust UV maps of the IFC file imported with Datasmith

Hi there,

I’m working in a small office that is using Revit LT and not able to install the datasmith plugin on my machine.

The only way that I found to import my geometry and maintain the materials categories (like in a window, have two different material for glass and frame) is saving IFC file from Revit and use datasmith add-on in UE4.

The issue is when I try to adjust the UV map size or scale, it’s showing correctly when I select the toll in the modeling mode, but when I apply the setting it’s not register the change.

It’s not an issue when I use FBX file but I lose the distinction of the material differences in one object like a window with this format.

Please see the screenshots and any help would be great.

Hello Massarc
are you on 4.27.2? Does it still behave not as expected once you untick “UV scale Relative to World Space”?

The UE5 UI seems to propose a lot more options. Have you tried it?

Hi @UE_FlavienP

Thanks for your response.

The UV scale to world is disabled when I try to change the scale.

Since I have a non-RTX card, I’m using Luoshuang’s GPULightmass which doesn’t work for me in UE5

Update. Same issue exists in UE5

Try the following:

  1. Right-click the mesh in the outliner → Edit
  2. In the Details panel, navigate to LOD 0Build Settings
  3. Uncheck Generate Lightmap UVs
  4. Save and go back to the main editor

Now UV scaling and translation should work just fine.