[NOT A BUG] Workflow issue - alignment

Hello everybody!

I had a “bug” let me explain, because i think it’s “my” mistake.

so i aligned a bunch of images, RC created one component with 600 img (total 950). I was a bit tired, and i dont know why i made a preview reconstruction from this component… after that i added more CP to merge the smaller component with the big one, and then i tried to align again.
RC never made it (i waited more than 2 hours, and first steps of alignment were abt 30min)
So i tried to abort process, but didnt worked neither (waited another hour)

Can you confirm its a workflow problem? if its the case, maybe it would usefull to make a warning pop up, or maybe deny alignment when a reconstruction is already made.

Hi Aure
Hard to say just from this description. Do you have every single CP at least in 6 projections ( placement in the images ) or ? some screenshot would be good ( so that I can see CP details )