[NOT A BUG] Uv shell border problem


I have 5 part of a model that are the 5 udim I created, I import it into RC in order to project the map, and export each one, but when I put it together in Maya or another 3d program, I get a thin black line along the uv shell border. It’ s like the edge padding is to small but it’s not that as the edge padding cover all the map.

Can you help me with that issue? Maybe an export setting i missed?

the first image is a part of the generated map, where you can see the thin shadowed line, and the second one is the mesh with a seam.



hello, searching the forum is the fastest way to find a solution: https://support.capturingreality.com/hc/en-us/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&query=seam


wel it’s not exactly answering my question, I mean this parameter control the reason of my problem, but it seems to wortk only when we unwrap the model through RC, in my case I have custom UV that fit better my workflow, so, is there a way to control this with custom UV?





So no solution for my problem?



Dear Christophe,
it seems that the seam is actually generated in the texture i.e. it is not a prboblem of charts and/or gutter and/or alpha channel. I’m afraid that we will not be able to help you more without being able to reproduce the problem on our machines. Would it be possible to hand us out your project as well as images?

Have you also tried to texture the mesh using generated UVs inside RC ? Is there the same problem?



Thanks for replying, yes of course, I could sent you my project, how can we proceed?

I didnt try to generate uv inside RC, as I need my custom uv layout.



Please upload it somewhere and fill out our contact form :


and put the link there.

There is also this workflow possible : Reconstruct -> 10x simplify -> texture -> export -> re-topologize the exported model -> re-project texture from the exported to the re-topologized model …

The re-topologized model can have much less detail than the exported and therefore when you import it back to the RC including your own UVs the texturing does not have to be sharp etc. because even small movement of the surface will make the image projections inconsistent. However, in this case, the model to model texture re-projection will give you better result.

And please refer to this forum topic when sending us the data via our contact form, thank you

well this is actually my workflow:

recontruct/ export/ retopologyze/ custom unfold UV/ reimport in RC/ generate textures/ export texture.

the only thing is, as I work with Udims and RC doesnt import mesh with more than 0-1 UV position, I splitted my model into part to fit all the UV into 0-1, and I project the texture on each parts.

Now I send you my project.



it would be nice to be able to import models with udim UV layout, by the way.

Hello Christophe,

your problem is caused by the very large simplification of the model, large differences in the resolution of the original and simplified model (as you can see in the screenshot) causes that the whole texture is much sharper than the texturing of simplified parts. Large simplification of the surface causes small yet significant movements of the surface and therefore the discrepancies between the textures. Large difference in surface detail results in the visible seams on the edges of individual parts. 

simplified model (left side) vs. original model (right side):

Difference in texture partial - top, whole - bottom.

Based on the experience we generally recommend to simplify the models max 10 times to preserve a detail that does not cause problems in the texture. Therefore, we recommend you to use previously mentioned workflow: Reconstruct -> 10x simplify -> texture -> export -> re-topologize the exported model -> re-project the texture from the exported to the re-topologized model.



well I try to follow your workflow, and it is a bit better, but I still Have in some parts where the seam appear.

I mean, as I explain before, I made an object per Udim, with the same polygon count than the first generated model before editing UVs. This time I have the little shadows at the model border, but not between the seams in the same object.

This my scene structures, as you can see, I made 1 object per udim

Here’s the border of the object udim, wich seam with ohter object with different udim


in this image the UV seam is ok, because inside the same object

other part of the object where the border had artifact and shadow.

I think it’s a limitation of the algorithm in the texture generation, may it be?


best reguard.