[NOT A BUG] Facing error while installing Demo Version

Hello awesome people,

i am new here, trying to install demo version of the reality capture. while installing i got this

I have updated windows, visual studio 2019 and all, still facing this with only this software. Is this a broken installer or what? i will may buy this software if see the some demo quality. I have tested “Recap Pro”( cloud based - slow and limit on no.of photos , “Agisoft” not enough powerful pc, “Meshroom” -  not enough good. Non of these live up to my expectation.

Please help me , i have a big project which will might have more than 10000 photos and reality capture can handle any amount of photos and it seems this is only choice i have left but i need to see the quality


hi, you seem to be using Windows Server, in which case you need to install Media Foundation features

I installed the Media feature pack and it worked. Thank you again.