Normal Map Bad Artifacts

I made a very simple material of a diffuse map and a normal map plugged into their respective nodes, however I found an artifacts problem with the normal map.Here is the problem:

Someone please help!!

Make sure that you use the “normal map” compression setting in the texture settings + that you have set your texture sample node to “normal” :slight_smile:

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They are both set properly, but still this error is present


Someone Please help, I am on a deadline for my assignment!

what artifacts? I see a normal bad res normal on a sample. Where is your problem?

The texture is 2048x2048. its not low res

Can you show an image of the normal map? I’m guessing that the normal map intensity might be too high.

You really need to pin point the artefact. It just look bit low res. How does it look in texture preview? What kind of material? What kind of texel density?

For a second I thought I am blind.
I really don’t see anything wrong either but rather just a poorly generated normal map.
As for a 2k texture I think you could UV that a lot better to use the UV space more efficiently. (Or maybe that is just the diffuse quality.)

I found a tool called Njob which made a proper map out of it, I am not sure what I did wrong with Nvidia’s filter but this normal map looks different and makes the mesh much better, and also gives a neat bumpy effect at the edges.