Normal and High detail reconstruction unknown error

Hello, I am having trouble with my current project : after a good first alignment and mesh preview, reality capture can’t go further with normal or high reconsctruction, always giving me an Unknown Error without any detail that could help to understand the problem.
I tried many things to solve this problem : lauch the reconstrcution on a different computer, reinstall completely reality capture, modify high detail reconstruction settings (set a minimal distance between two points and tried different values) … I also tried to restart the project on a different computer but the alignment as given a different result while I used the very same images and settings (and that would be my alternative question : how is it possible ?). Despite the fact that this second component failed, I tried the high detail reconstruction anyway but it crashed as well as the first one …
Has anyone ever had the pleasure of encountering the same problem?

Hi ReMIND.Architect,
sorry for the issue.
Which version of RealityCapture are you using?
What kind of data and how much are you using? Where are your data saved? What are your reconstruction settings? In which step of reconstruction this error shows?

Sometimes people can get this error using external drives. If you can try to move the images to a local SSD, it might help, underscore and spaces should not cause any issues. You might need to temporarily unplug the external drive unless you change the paths in the rcproj file otherwise rc will continue to use the old path to the external images.

The other thing that could be worth a try is to clear the cache manually as described here, and launch the application whilst holding down shift, and you should see the following options:

Then select “make like a clean install”

But please remember if you are clearing the cache that any cached depth maps will be lost meaning that meshing will take as long as doing it from fresh (meshing is a lot faster second time around normally).

Is it possible that there are in the dataset images taking from one spot (pivoting, panorama images)? If so, can you disable those for reconstruction?

It seems there is a bug for big datasets, where those kind of images are taken. We are working on the solution now.
You can also try roll back to previous release, but it won’t be possible to open this project there.

Are your data georeferenced? Basically, each alignment is slightly different. How big difference have you occurred? It is possible to export registration and use it in other projects. Then, you will get still the same alignment.

Hi otrhan,
Thanks for your quick answer.
I use photos extracted from drone videos, exported in 2048 x 1152 px. At first I was using 6734 of them (but I am currently trying with the half). They are saved on a local hdd drive, but I will also try to move my first project on a local ssd to see if the same unknown error occur as well.
My reconstruction settings are the default one.
The unknown error shows at the very beggining of the reconstruction process (about 2 or 3 min after start).

I already tried to clear the cache, lauch RC like clean install and even completely reinstalled it several times.

I don’t have panorama images but it might be possible I have pivoting images ( for exemple sometimes I need to watch were I go for a moment when i use the drone, so I just rotate the drone and / or the camera to see if it is clear …). I will try to remove those images but at last, beacause it seems to be a very long job …

The project isn’t georeferenced for now (the images extracted from videos does’nt contain gps data). I took some “real” photos as well, do u think it could help if i put them in the RC project ? I belive it isn’t a good idea because they don’t have the same camera parameters than the video one (the angle is larger) but I might be wrong about that.

It is possible to use also other type of images. In a fact, they are better then video inputs. You can use Group images by exif before alignment in that case.
But there could be also other issue, as there is this possible bug. But rolling back to previous version could help, too.
The bug should be solved in next release.

Okay, I will try with a previous version, could you please tell me where I can download it ? Do I need to uninstall the current version (1.2) ?

You can find it there: My - Sign in - Capturing Reality under Downloads section

Yous, you need to remove the actual version first. For that you need to use installer file.

Thanks a lot ! The high detail reconstruction worked well with the previous version