[noobQUESTION] BP breaks all C++ rules

+In C++ we can NOT access ‘protected members’ of C++ class1 from other C++ class2
class A
protected: float var1;
class B
protected A* a
float var2 = a->var1; //this wont work according to C++ rule, var1 is protected and the ‘a’ instance is now ‘out-of-class’

+in BP We can EVEN access ‘protected members’ of BP_class1 from other BP_class2 (via its Event Graph)
=the proof is in the picture

+My question is how? Is that how UE5 BP works? :upside_down_face:

+This really makes doing in BP much more faster and easier
, so that we dont have to come back to C++ and create any getter for EquippedWeapon and WeaponBox collision at all
This is absolutely crazy and make me sad using C++ :roll_eyes: