Noob wondering about blueprint workflow -

Seems like I’m having to manually make another reference to every blueprint in every other blueprint, then make another function for each one to initialize them - it seems really repetitive, inefficient and slow - is that just the way it works? I could cast instead but apparently that slows down the game if not done sparingly?

Thanks in advance for any advice

It seems you need an Interface


Hey there @tobygaines! In many cases, you can still use standard coding practices that apply to non-visual scripting languages such as Event Dispatchers and Interfaces.

As Predalien mentioned, your use case sounds like it could benefit from Interfaces. This allows you to avoid casting and lets you have interoperability with function calls. The documentation does a solid job of explaining their use, but here’s a practical example of how they work to supplement:

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perf! thanks mateys - the tutorials I’ve studied have barely mentioned this

loving this forum

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No problem! If you have any questions, feel free to let us know!

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