Noob Question: Why when I add an actor and then move the viewport is the actor no longer visible? Yet it still appears under the list of items?

I essentially add any kind of actor into my scene, and as soon as I zoom out or move my viewport slightly it instantly disappears. Can anyone explain what I am doing wrong?

Select it in list, then press F. Camera should zoom to that actor.
Also check what SHOW settings in top left corner of viewport.
And last: you may have unchecked “Visible in editor” in actor properites.

Hey! It seems hitting F does indeed take me to the hidden actor, however even with show all actors selected it still remains hidden. Any thoughts? I would send a video showing but it seems I cannot send a video as a new user lol.

I had invisible actor recently. It seems unreal knows better and unloads some actors. So if you have world partitioning enabled it may unload actors. And 5.1 by default makes empty map with it (that one with landscapes)

So check that world stuff.