Noob Question, Should I Build UE4 from Github?

Hi all, I have recently joined the UE4 community. And am checking out the programming aspect to UE4.

The first tutorial I have followed is “Intro To Programming”

And the first line of code I had the pleasure to copy paste produced 25 Red Errors in my Visual Studio.

UPPROPERTY(VisibleDefaultsOnly, Category = Powerup)
TSubobjectPtr<USphereComponent> TouchSphere;

This is not what “getting off on the right foot should feel like”. Have I set up my envirotnment improperly?
Should I actually erase the current EU4 installation and build it from github? That seems like a hassle, I just
want to write code :frowning:

When I scroll over the UPPROPERTY VS tells me “Error: explicit type missing(‘int’ assumed)”

When I try to build.
Error 1 error C2061: syntax error : identifier ‘VisibleDefaultsOnly’ C:\Users\ilia\Documents\Unreal Projects\Pizza\Source\Pizza\Public\PowerUp.h 16 1 Pizza

Error 2 error C2143: syntax error : missing ‘;’ before ‘’ C:\Users\ilia\Documents\Unreal Projects\Pizza\Source\Pizza\Public\PowerUp.h 17 1 Pizza

Error 3 error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int C:\Users\ilia\Documents\Unreal Projects\Pizza\Source\Pizza\Public\PowerUp.h 17 1 Pizza

Error 4 error C4183: ‘UPPROPERTY’: missing return type; assumed to be a member function returning ‘int’ C:\Users\ilia\Documents\Unreal Projects\Pizza\Source\Pizza\Public\PowerUp.h 17 1 Pizza

Error 5 error C2061: syntax error : identifier ‘VisibleDefaultsOnly’ C:\Users\ilia\Documents\Unreal Projects\Pizza\Source\Pizza\Public\PowerUp.h 16 1 Pizza

Error 6 error C2143: syntax error : missing ‘;’ before ‘’ C:\Users\ilia\Documents\Unreal Projects\Pizza\Source\Pizza\Public\PowerUp.h 17 1 Pizza

Error 7 error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int C:\Users\ilia\Documents\Unreal Projects\Pizza\Source\Pizza\Public\PowerUp.h 17 1 Pizza

Error 8 error C4183: ‘UPPROPERTY’: missing return type; assumed to be a member function returning ‘int’ C:\Users\ilia\Documents\Unreal Projects\Pizza\Source\Pizza\Public\PowerUp.h 17 1 Pizza

Error 9 error : Failed to produce item: C:\Users\ilia\Documents\Unreal Projects\Pizza\Binaries\Win64\Pizza-Win64-DebugGame.pdb C:\Users\ilia\Documents\Unreal Projects\Pizza\Intermediate\ProjectFiles\ERROR Pizza

Error 10 error MSB3073: The command ““C:\Program Files\Epic
Games\4.5\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat” Pizza Win64 DebugGame “C:\Users\ilia\Documents\Unreal Projects\Pizza\Pizza.uproject” -rocket” exited with code -1. C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets 38 5 Pizza

11	IntelliSense: identifier "FOnSelectedLevelsChangedEvent" is undefined	c:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.5\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Classes\Engine\World.h	1926	2	Pizza

12	IntelliSense: identifier "UParticleModuleEventSendToGame" is undefined	c:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.5\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Classes\Particles\ParticleSystemComponent.h	890	68	Pizza

13	IntelliSense: identifier "UParticleModuleEventSendToGame" is undefined	c:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.5\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Classes\Particles\ParticleSystemComponent.h	903	68	Pizza

14	IntelliSense: identifier "UParticleModuleEventSendToGame" is undefined	c:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.5\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Classes\Particles\ParticleSystemComponent.h	921	69	Pizza

15	IntelliSense: identifier "UParticleModuleEventSendToGame" is undefined	c:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.5\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Classes\Particles\ParticleSystemComponent.h	933	42	Pizza

16	IntelliSense: no instance of constructor "FReadSurfaceDataFlags::FReadSurfaceDataFlags" matches the argument list	c:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.5\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Public\UnrealClient.h	55	92	Pizza

17	IntelliSense: no instance of constructor "FReadSurfaceDataFlags::FReadSurfaceDataFlags" matches the argument list	c:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.5\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Public\UnrealClient.h	63	87	Pizza

18	IntelliSense: identifier "FMeshBatchElement" is undefined	c:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.5\Engine\Source\Runtime\ShaderCore\Public\VertexFactory.h	488	131	Pizza

19	IntelliSense: explicit type is missing ('int' assumed)	c:\Users\ilia\Documents\Unreal Projects\Pizza\Source\Pizza\Public\PowerUp.h	16	2	Pizza

20	IntelliSense: identifier "VisibleDefaultsOnly" is undefined	c:\Users\ilia\Documents\Unreal Projects\Pizza\Source\Pizza\Public\PowerUp.h	16	13	Pizza

21	IntelliSense: identifier "Category" is undefined	c:\Users\ilia\Documents\Unreal Projects\Pizza\Source\Pizza\Public\PowerUp.h	16	34	Pizza

22	IntelliSense: identifier "Powerup" is undefined	c:\Users\ilia\Documents\Unreal Projects\Pizza\Source\Pizza\Public\PowerUp.h	16	45	Pizza

23	IntelliSense: expected a ';'	c:\Users\ilia\Documents\Unreal Projects\Pizza\Source\Pizza\Public\PowerUp.h	17	2	Pizza

And btw, I am getting no intellisence help about the UPROPERTY() thingy.
and the tutorial itself didn’t explain anything code related.

Can you please paste the errors you got from VS here?

you are completely right.

OK, lets see what we can find…

First change UPPROPERTY to UPROPERTY and try compiling again.

Shall I interpret that as everything is working now, after fixing that little typo?

(head slap) how embarassing, I am unworthy. I even double checked for typos before posting here.

I don’t see how this question can benefit mankind by being stored in here. so I will erase it in an hour or two, thank you for the help

Hey, no problem! I’ve made millions of typos myself the last 40 years or so. It happens to all of us.

apparently I can’t erase questions with answers on them, its not that I am embrassed of this question or anything (I really dont care). I just dont think that anyone can ever benefit it by looking at it. So if you agree then remove your answer, but if you rather have extra points, then whatever.