Noob question: is it possible in UE to create materials with scale independent of object UV mapping?

Example: I want to model a set of buildings with brick walls. These will be models that will be scaled or stretched to create variety (or created from walls or slabs that will be stretched). I know that the texture represents 6x6m area in real world units.
I wish to create material that:

  1. can be applied to multiple different assets (w. different scaling / UVs)
  2. doesn’t scale if I stretch or scale any of the assets. The texture should always cover specified area (like 6x6m) in scene units.
  3. the material should relate to asset’s UVs in terms of origin and rotation.
    Generally the material should behave as materials in BIM/AEC software where the size of the material is considered as PBR material parameter.

Is it possible to create such material in UE5.X?
Can you point me to some tutorial?
Thanks in advance.
Sorry if this is basic question, I probably use incorect terms to descirbe it so I can’t find the answer.

Hi adgl,

Yes, what you’re looking for is called “TriPlanar Mapping” - it uses world space coordinates and can be very useful.

Google “ue5 triplanar projection” and you’ll find a lot of tutorials on the subject.

My favourite one is linked below, but it is a fairly advanced one - it is more efficient than a lot of the others though:

Thank you!

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