Noob need help: Update Location&Rotation of projectile, after spawned projectile

Hello everyone,

after hours of trying, i really need some help. I have a local coop top down multiplayer project. Input is gamepad twin stick controlled. Left stick for movement, right stick for aiming, Gamepad R2 to shoot.
Actually, if i am shoot, everything is working as intended. I have a target laser and the Projectile is going to the right direction, rotation etc.

Problem here is, when i spawn in a continuously projectile (for example like a flamethrower or laser), it will spawn one time and stay for the duration where it was spawned.
I did a try with a BPInterface ThirdPlayerController<-> BP_Flamethrower to send the current location&rotation to BP_Flamethrower and update it with “event tick”, but it doesn’t really work as i expected.

Maybe you can help me to implement this “flamethrower” in my current logic?

Since the projectile is no longer a “projectile” it might actually be easier to simply attach the spawned projectile to the gun or actor which is firing. Then you won’t need to worry about constantly setting the location/rotation (which you would likely want to do on tick anyway).

Well, your idea was a good try, i added the BP_flamethrower in my thirdpersonchar as a child component. But the core problem was still there- it just did not following the right stick input from gamepad.

Finally i managed it with this tutorial and some slightly rotation & location settings:

My new code:

Today is a good day :slight_smile: