I come from a programming background. I am in the process of learning to use Blueprints. I have heard they are amazing and you can make an entire game with them. However, there have been some aspects that have been giving me some difficulty. Here are some questions I have on issues I have had trouble figuring out:
How do I watch a member variable?
How do I inspect and expand an in scope complex data types (like a struct of structs)?
**Parts of the stack often times become no longer valid? **
I am used to the coding, refactoring cycle of development. Copying and pasting Blueprint functions seems to be more tedious than I would have hoped. For example, I will copy and paste a function into a base class and it will mostly not resolve due to things like having target = self, even if in the function I was just doing target = self, call function Foo() (and I have added Foo() to the base class). I assume this has something to do with the underlying structure of Blueprints that I need to wrap my head around… Any general tips for refactoring?
Thanks in advance for sharing your wisdom with a beginner like myself!
No idea. Generally speaking, I don’t use the debugger because it’s ability to show the current value of variables is a bit flakey. You’re better off using print statements.
I think you would have to show some specific code here. For beginners, blueprints often do not work the way you think they would ( delay nodes being a case in point ).
If you copy and paste stuff from BP-type-a to BP-type-b, references to self may not work because the types of the BPs are not the same, so the reference is to the wrong kind of object.