Non-spatially loaded World Partition actor becomes spatially loaded in Standalone Game

I’m on UE 5.3 and created a map with World Partition. I set some actors to not be spatially loaded. Everything works fine in PIE and in a non-editor build of the game (built via Visual Studio’s “Development” config). But when I launch the Standalone Game from within the editor I get a weird behavior. It seems that some actors in the level which are configured to be non-spatially loaded become spatially loaded. I can verify this because I get a warning like the following:

Spatially loaded actor /Game/Map/Small_City_LVL.PM_MilitaryUnitMassSpawner2_Team2 references Non-spatially loaded actor PM_Note_Team2MainBase

Both of the actors mentioned in the warning are set to be non-spatially loaded. Any ideas?

Are they replicated? If so, is net cull distance large enough?

They’re not replicated, but thx for the suggestion

Are they assigned to a data layer?